Prof. Dr. Ramazan İdilman

Prof. Dr. Ramazan İdilman


Adı Soyadı: Ramazan Idilman

Doğum Tarihi: 24 Kasım 1968

Öğrenim Durumu:






Tıp Doktoru



Tıpta Uzmanlık

İç Hastalıkları



Yan Dal Uzmanlığı













Görev Unvanı

Görev Yeri


Araştırma Görevlisi

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi İç Hastalıkları A.B.D.

1992 - 1998

Yan Dal Ar. Gör.

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji B.D.

1998 - 2001

Akademik Uzman Dr.

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji B.D.

2001 - 2004

Akademik Doç. Dr.

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji B.D.

2004 - 2009

Akademik Prof. Dr.

Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Gastroenteroloji B.D.

2009 -

Yönetilen Yüksek Lisans Tezleri:

  • “Kronik C hepatitinde uygulanan antiviral tedaviye kalıcı cevapta karaciğerdeki histolojik yağlanmanın etkinliği.” Uzman Dr. Şahin Çoban. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • “Kronik hepatit C’li hastalarda karaciğer fibrozisi ve nekrozunu gösteren biyokimyasal belirteçleri ile karaciğer biyopsisinin tanısal değerliliğinin karşılaştırılması.” Dr. Dılşa Mızrak. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • “Metabolik sendromu olan hastalarda endotelyal fonksiyon bozukluğu ve kardiovasküler risk belirlenmesi: non-alkolik yağlı karaciğerin bu parametrelere etkinliği.” Dr. Müyesser Saykı. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • “E-antijen negatif kronik B hepatitli hastalarda hastalık doğal seyri: anti-viral tedavinin hastalık doğal seyrine etkinliğin değerlendirilmesi.” Dr. Yusuf Bozkuş. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • “Transjuguler intrahepatik portosistemik şantın portal hipertansiyonlu hastalarda renal fonksiyonlar ve renal resitivite indeksi üzerine etkileri” Dr. Güldane Cengiz. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • “Kronik hepatit B enfeksiyonu seyrine antiviral tedavinin etkinliği” Dr. Güner Kılıç. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • İleri evre kronik hepatit C tedavisinde yeni bir antiviral ajan sofosbuvir/ledipasvirin etkinliği. Dr. Cihan Erol. Tez çalışması tamamlandı.
  • Kronik hepatit B hastalarında entecavir ve tenofovir tedavi kesimi sonrası hepatit B relaps belirleyiclerinin saptanması. Dr. Fatma Tuğçe Şah. Tez çalışması tamamlandı, 2020.
  • Alkol-dışı yağlı karaciğer hastalığında kardiyak ve kardiyovasküler hastalık varlığının önceden saptanması: Subklinik myokardiyal disfonksiyon. Dr. Beliz Bahar Ulaş. Tez çalışması tamamlandı, 2020.

Projelerde Yaptığı Görevler:

  • “Hematopoetik kök hücre transplantasyonu olan alıcılarda transplantasyon sonrası alıcı karaciğerde parenkimal ve non-parenkimal donör kaynaklı hücre repopulasyonu: Graft-versus-host hastalığı patogenezinde rolü.” Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi “Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı (TÜBA-GEBİP)” Projesi, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “Karaciğer transplantasyonu olan alıcılarda, graft karaciğerde alıcı kaynaklı hücre repopulasyonu” Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi “Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı (TÜBA-GEBİP)” Projesi, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “Kronik hepatit C’li hastalarda karaciğer fibrozisi ve nekrozunu gösteren biyokimyasal belirteçleri ile karaciğer biyopsisinin tanısal değerliliğinin karşılaştırılması.” Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP), 20050809020HPD, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “Metabolik sendromu olan hastalarda endotelyal fonksiyon bozukluğu ve kardiovasküler risk belirlenmesi: non-alkolik yağlı karaciğerin bu parametrelere etkinliği.” Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP), 20070809040HPD, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “İnaktif hepatit B virüs taşıyıcısının virolojij ve biyokimyasal Profili” Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri (BAP), 09B3330007, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “İnsülin direnci olan non-alkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalarında diyet ve egzersizin endotelyal fonksiyon bozukluğu ve kardiovasküler risk profili üzerine etkisinin belirlenmesi” Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “Alkol dışı yağlı karaciğer hastalığında kardiak ve kardiovasküler hastalık varlığını önceden saptanması: Subklinik myokardial disfonksiyon” Ankara Üniversitesi Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri, Proje Yöneticisi.
  • “Alkol dışı yağlı karaciğer hastalığında hepatosellüler karsinom gelişimine neden olan mekanizmaların saptanması” TÜSEB Bireysel ve Dönüşümsel Tıp Alanı Uygulamalı Proje İş Birliği, 2020.

Bilimsel Kuruluşlara Üyelikler:

  • Bilim Akademisi Üyesi
  • Türk Gastroenteroloji Derneği
  • Türk Karaciğer Araştırmaları Derneği Yönetim Kurulu Üyesi
  • European Association for The Study of The Liver (EASL)
  • American Association for The Study of The Liver (AASLD)

Düzenli Olarak Hakemlik Yaptığı Bilimsel Dergiler:

  • Nature
  • Lancet
  • American Journal of Transplantation
  • Liver Transplantation
  • Journal of Viral Hepatitis
  • Journal of Medical Virology
  • Journal of Hematology
  • AIDS
  • Transplantation International
  • Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
  • Turkish Journal of Hematology
  • Hepatology Forum


  • Karaciğer Transplantasyonu Sonrası Hepatit C Virüs Reaktivasyonu: Hepatit C Virüs Kinetiğinin Reaktivasyona Etkisi. Nisan 1999, 1. Dönem; TÜBİTAK-BAYG “Yurt Dışı Doktora Sonrası Araştırma Bursu (NATO-B1)”
  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi “Üstün Başarılı Genç Bilim İnsanlarını Ödüllendirme Programı (TÜBA-GEBİP)” Ocak 2002 Dönemi, “Seçkin Genç Bilimci Ödülü”
  • Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Dahili Tıp Bilimler Bölümünde 2001 yılı, En çok Yurt Dışı Yayını Olan Uzman Ödülü.
  • C. Üstün, R. Idilman, H. Çelebi, H. Akan, S. Karayalçın, Ö. Arslan, M. Özcan, G. Gürman, H.Ş. Coşkun, A. Aktemel, M. Arat, E. Akçağlayan, O. İlhan, M. Beksaç, T. Demirer, N. Konuk, A. Uysal, H. Koç. “Hepatit B Virüs ve Aşılanmasının Allogeneik Periferik Kök Hücre Transplantasyonu Sonrası Gelişen Karaciğer Komplikasyonlarına Etkileri.” XXVII Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Klinik Hematoloji İkincilik Ödülü.
  • R Idilman, M. Arat, E. Soydan, M. Törüner, M. Beksaç, M. Özcan, H. Akbulut, İ. Soykan, Ö. Arslan, P. Topcuoğlu, S. Karayalçın, A. Özden, O. İlhan, H. Akan. “Hematolojik Malignitesi Olan Hepatit B virüs Taşıyıcılarında Kemoterapi Sırasında Lamivudine Proflaksisinin Etkinliği” XXIX Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Klinik Hematoloji Dalında Türk Hematoloji Derneği Birincilik Ödülü.
  • N. Örmeci, İ. Soykan, M. Palabıyıkoğlu, R. Idilman, H. Erdem, A. Bektaş, M. Sarıoğlu. “A New Therapeutic Approach For The Treatment Of hydatid Cysts Of The Spleen” Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2002 yılı, “En Başarılı Araştırma Yarışması Dahili Tıp Bilimler Bölümü, Prof. Dr. Selahattin Koloğlu Birincilik Ödülü.
  • R. Idilman R, C. Üstün, S. Karayalçın, A. Aktemel, A. Türkyılmaz, M. Özcan, Ö. Arslan, M. Bozdayı, D.H. Van Thiel, H. Akan. “Hepatitis B virus vaccination of recipients and donors of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.” Clin Tranplant Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi 2003 yılı, “En Başarılı Araştırma Yarışması Dahili Tıp Bilimler Bölümü, Prof. Dr. Belma Çobanlı Birincilik Ödülü.
  • Türkiye Bilimler Akademisi Asosiye Üyesi seçilmesi, 01 Aralık 2007
  • Bilim Akademisi Üyesi seçilmesi, 11 Ocak 2013

Son iki yılda verdiği lisans ve lisansüstü düzeydeki dersler (Açılmışsa, yaz döneminde verilen dersler de tabloya ilave edilecektir):

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IV. Sınıf İç Hastalıkları Staj Dersleri, 16 grup halinde

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4 saat 


  VI. sınıf İntern Doktorlar


Dönem Boyunca 



  VI. sınıf İntern Doktorlar


Dönem Boyunca 












IV. Sınıf İç Hastalıkları Staj Dersleri, 3 grup ve 6 altgrup halinde

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4 saat 

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  VI. sınıf İntern Doktorlar


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  VI. sınıf İntern Doktorlar


Dönem Boyunca 

Devam ediyor


A. Uluslararası hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

A1. Idilman R, Dökmeci A, Beyler AR, Baştemir M, Örmeci N, Aras N, Ekinci C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, De Maria N, Van Thiel DH. “Successful medical treatment of an epitheloid hemangoiendothelioma of liver.” Oncology, 54, 171-175 (1997).

A2. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Dökmeci A, Van Thiel DH. “Interferon treatment of cirrhotic patients with chronic hepatitis C.” J Viral Hepat, 4, 81-91 (1997).

A3. Idilman R, De Maria N, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Van Thiel DH. “Hepatic osteodystrophy.” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 44, 574-581 (1997).

A4. Colantoni A, De Maria N, Idilman R, Van Thiel DH. “Polymerase chain reaction for the detection of HCV-RNA: Cryoglobulinemia as a cause for false negative results.” Ital J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 29, 273-274, (1997).

A5. Akan H, Konuk N, Fenkçi S, Dilek İ, Idilman R, Tuncer S. “Fulminant hepatitis in aplastic anemia: Hepatitis G or ALG?” Bone Marrow Transplant, 21, 533-535 (1998).

A6. Idilman R, De Maria N, Kugelmas M, Colantoni A, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Van Thiel DH. “Immunosuppressive drug-induced leukoencephalopathy in patients with liver transplant.” European J Gastroenterol-Hepatol, 10, 433-436, (1998).

A7. Van Thiel DH, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Idilman R. “Current and future therapies for HCV infection: What should the end point for treatment be?” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 45, 308-320 (1998).

A8. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Van Thiel DH. “Interferon treatment of HCV positive cirrhotic patients.” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 45, 340-344, (1998).

A9. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Dökmeci A, Van Thiel DH. “Pathogenesis of hepatitis B and C induced hepatocellular carcinoma.” J Viral Hepat, 5, 285-289, (1998).

A10. Colantoni A, Hassanein T, Idilman R, Van Thiel DH. “Liver transplantation for chronic viral liver disease.” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 45, 1357-1363 (1998).

A11. Beksaç M, Arat M, Idilman R. “Long-term follow-up and late complications of 2-Chlorodeoxyadenosine in previously treated, advanced, indolent non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.” Cancer, 85, 242-243, (1999).

A12. Üstün C, Idilman R, Gürman G, Özcan M, Akyol G, Akan H, İlhan O, Beksaç M, Uysal A, Konuk N, Karayalçın S, Poyraz A, Van Thiel DH, Koç H. “Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in patients with non-replicative hepatitis B virus carriers is safe.” J Hepatol, 31, 202-210, (1999).

A13. Idilman R, Kugelmas M, De Maria N, Van Thiel DH. “Cirrhosis in Turner Syndrome.” European J Gastroenterol-Hepatol, 12, 707-709, (2000).

A14. De Maria N, Idilman R, Colantoni A, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Antibody response to HBV vaccination in individuals with HCV infection.” Hepatology, 32, 444, (2000).

A15. Colantoni A, La Paglia N, De Maria N, Emanuele MA, Emanuele NV, Idilman R, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Influence of sex hormonal status on alcohol-induced oxidative injury in male and female rat liver.” Alcohol: Clin Exp Res, 24, 1467-1473, (2000).

A16. De Maria N, Colantoni A, Idilman R, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “The response to interferon+ribavirin retreatment for chronic hepatitis C in interferon non-responders is not influenced by race.” J Hepatol, 33, 1028-1029, (2000).

A17. De Maria N, Colantoni A, Friedlander L, Leandro G, Idilman R, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “The impact of previous HBV infection on the course of chronic hepatitis C.” Am J Gastroenterol, 95, 3529-3536, (2000).

A18. Dilek İ, Idilman R, Fenkçi S, Üstün C, Koç H, İlahn O, Akan H. “Immunosuppressive therapy-induced hepatotoxicity in patients with aplastic anemia.” Turk J Haematol, 17,111-117, (2000).

A19. Idilman R, Üstün C, Aslan Ö, Özcan M, Arat M, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Şengezer T, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, İlhan O, Koç H, Akan H. “The incidence of hepatitis G virus in pateints with hematological malignacies: The relationship to the number of blood and blood products transfusions.” Turk J Haematol 16,71-71, (2000).

A20. Van Thiel DH, Brems J, Nadir A, Idilman R, Colantoni A, Holt D, Edelstein S. “Liver Transplantation for fulminant hepatic failure.” J Gastroenterol 36, 1-4, (2001).

A21. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Effect of human immunodeficiency virus on the outcome of hepatitis C virus infection.” Scand J Gastroenterol, 36, 225-234, (2001).

A22. De Maria N, Idilman R, Colantoni A, Van Thiel DH. “Increased effective immunogenicity to high dose and short-interval hepatitis B virus vaccination in individuals with chronic hepatitis without cirrhosis.” J Viral Hepat, 8, 372-376, (2001).

A23. Idilman R, Çetinkaya H, Savaş İ, Aslan N, Sak SD, Baştemir M, Sarıoğlu M, Soykan İ, Bozdayı M, Colantoni A, Aydıntuğ O, Bahar K, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Van Thiel DH, Numanoğlu N, Dökmeci A. “Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis in individuals with chronic hepatitis C.” J Med Virol, 66, 34-39, (2002).

A24. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Nadir A, Van Thiel DH. “The effect of high dose and short interval HBV vaccination in individuals with chronic hepatitis C.” Am J Gastroenterol, 97, 435-439, (2002).

A25. De Maria N, Colantoni A, Idilman R, Friedlander L, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Impaired response to high dose interferon treatment in African-American with chronic hepatitis C.” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 49, 788-792, (2002).

A26. Soykan İ, Törüner M, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R. “Is pain experienced during liver biopsy an important factor.” Clin Gastroenterol, 35, 202-203, (2002).

A27. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Idilman R, Erdem H, Bektaş A, Sarıoğlu M. “A new therapeutic approach for the treatment of hydatid cysts of the spleen.” Dig Dis Sci, 47, 2037-2044, (2002).

A28. Soykan İ, Törüner M, Idilman R, Özden A. “Reversal of iron deficiency anemia in a patient with gastric antral vascular ectasia treated with cyprohepatadine.” J Clin Gastroenterol, 36, 183-184, (2003).

A29. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Üstün C, Sam R, Ing TS, Akan H, Koç H, Van Thiel DH. “Impaired antibody response rates after high dose short interval hepatitis B virus vaccination of immunosuppressed individuals.” Hepato-Gastroenterology, 50, 217-221, (2003).

A30. Colantoni A, Idilman R, De Maria N, La Paglia N, Belmonte J, Wezeman F, Emanuele N, Van Thiel DH, Kovacs EJ, Emanuele MA. “Hepatic apoptosis and proliferation in male and female rats fed alcohol: Role of cytokines.” Alcohol Clin Exp Res, 27, 1184-1189, (2003).

A31. Idilman R, Üstün C, Karayalçın S, Aktemel A, Türkyılmaz A, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, Bozdayı AM, Van Thiel DH, Akan H. “Hepatitis B virus vaccination of recipients and donors of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.” Clin Transplant, 17, 438-443, (2003).

A32. Idilman R, Arat M, Soydan E, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Akbulut H, Arslan Ö, Özcan M, Türkyılmaz AR, Bozdayı M, Karayalçın S, Van Thiel DH., Beksaç M, Akan H. “Lamivudine prophylaxis for prevention of chemotherapy-induced hepatitis B virus reactivation in hepatitis B virus carriers with malignancies.” J Viral Hepatitis, 11, 141-147, (2004).

A33. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Alkan S, Nand S, Van Thiel DH. “Lymphoproliferative disorders in chronic hepatitis C.” J Viral Hepatitis, 11, 302-309, (2004).

A34. Soykan A, Boztas H, Idilman R, Ozel ET, Tuzun AE, Ozden A, Ozden A, Kumbasar H. “Sexual dysfunctions in HCV patients and its correlations with psychological and biological variables.” Int J Impot Res, 17,175-179, (2005).

A35. Idilman R, Erden E, Kuzu I, Ersoz S, Karasu Z, Karayalcin K, Yuce G, Tokat Y, Sahin Y, Tukun A, Akarca US, Karayalcin S. “Recipient-derived hepatocytes in sex-mismatched liver allografts after liver transplantation: early versus late transplant biopsies.” Transplantation, 78, 1647-1652, (2004).

A36. Ensari A, Savas B, Okcu Heper A, Kuzu I, Idilman R. “An unusual presentation of Helicobacter pylori infection: so-called "Russell body gastritis". Virchows Arch, 446, 463-466, (2005).

A37. Idilman R. Lamivudine prophylaxis in HBV carriers with haemato-oncological malignancies who receive chemotherapy. J Antimicrob Chemother, 55, 828-831, (2005).

A38. Bozkaya H, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Tuzun A, Cinar K, Erkan O, Bozdayi AM, Erden E, Uzun Y, Cetinkaya H, Uzunalimoglu O. “Lamivudine treatment in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients with low level viraemia.” Antivir Ther, 10, 319-325, (2005).

A39. Bozdayi G, Turkyilmaz AR, Idilman R, Karatayli E, Rota S, Yurdaydin C, Bozdayi AM. “Complete genome sequence and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis B virus isolated from turkish patients with chronic HBV infection.” J Med Virol, 76, 476-481, (2005).

A40. Idilman R, Erden E, Arat M, Soydan E, Erkan O, Kuzu I, Sahin Y, Coban S, Bozdayi M, Giraud A, Akan H, Karayalcin S, Ozden A. “Trefoil factor expression in biliary epithelium of graft-versus-host disease of the liver after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.” Transplantation, 80,1099-1104, (2005).

A41. Verdi H, Koytak ES, Onder O, Ergul AA, Cinar K, Idilman R, Erden E, Bozdayi AM, Yurdaydin C, Uzunalimoglu O, Bozkaya H. “Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha L162V polymorphism in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and genotype 1 hepatitis C virus-related liver steatosis.” J Investig Med, 53, 353-359, (2005).

A42. Idilman R, Kuzu I, Erden E, Arat M, Soydan E, Soykan I, Akyol G, Karayalcin S, Akan H, Beksac M. “Evaluation of the effect of transplant-related factors and tissue injury on donor-derived hepatocyte and gastrointestinal epithelial cell repopulation following hematopoietic cell transplantation.” Bone Marrow Transplant, 37, 199-206 (2006).

A43. Ormeci N, Idilman R, Tuzun A, Erdem H, Palabiyikoglu M. “A new percutaneous approach for the treatment of hydatid cyst of the kidney: long-term follow-up.” Int Urol Nephrol 37, 461-464, (2005).

A44. Arat M, Idilman R, Soydan EA, Soykan I, Erden E, Karayalcin S, Akan H. “Ursodeoxycholic acid treatment in isolated chronic graft-vs.-host disease of the liver.” Clin Transplant, 19, 798-803, (2005).

A45. Coban S, Palabiyikoglu M, Ensari A, Idilman R, Koklu S, Yolcu OF, Ormeci N. “Intestinal B cell lymphoma associated with chronic hepatitis C and celiac disease.” Dig Dis Sci, 50, 2359-2361, (2005).

A46. Idilman R. “Anti-viral prophylaxis in inactive hepatitis B virus carriers with hemato-oncological malignancies who receive chemotherapy” Minerva Gastroenterol Dietol, 52, 39-45 (2006).

A47. Cinar K, Coban S, Idilman R, Tuzun A, Sarioglu M, Bektas M, Erden E, Bozkaya H, Ozden A. “Long-term prognosis of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: is pharmacological therapy actually necessary?” J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 21, 169-173 (2006).

A48. Uzun Y, Bozkaya H, Erden E, Cinar K, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Uzunalimoglu O. “Hepatitis B core antigen expression pattern reflects the response to anti-viral treatment.” J Gastroenterol Hepatol, 21, 977-981, (2006).

A49. Turkcapar N, Ozyuncu N, Idilman R, Ensari A, Soylu K, Ozden A. “Macro-amylasemia in a patient with selective IgA deficiency and antiphospholipid antibodies.” Turk J Gastroenterol, 17, 140-143 (2006).

A50. Idilman R. “Duration of lamivudine prophylaxis in inactive hepatitis B virus carriers with haemato/oncological malignancies who receive chemotherapy.” Gut, 55, 1208-109, (2006).

A51. Idilman R, Ersoz S, Coban S, Kumbasar O, Bozkaya H. “Antituberculous therapy-induced fulminant hepatic failure: successful treatment with liver transplantation and nonstandard antituberculous therapy.” Liver Transpl, 12, 1427-1430, (2006).

A52. Turkcapar N, Ozyuncu N, Cinar K, Ensari A, Kucuk O, Idilman R, Duman N, Ozden A. “A case of systemic lupus erythematosus presenting with protein losing enteropathy.” Turk J Gastroenterol, 17, 226-230 (2006).

A53. Ormeci N, Idilman R, Akyar S, Palabiyikoglu M, Coban S, Erdem H, Ekiz F. “Hydatid cysts in muscle: a modified percutaneous treatment approach.” Int J Infect Dis, 11, 204-208 (2007).

A54. Idilman R, Erden E, Kuzu I, Ersoz S, Karayalcin S. “The fate of recipient-derived hepatocytes in sex-mismatched liver allograft following liver transplantation.” Clin Transpl, 21, 202-206, (2007).

A55. Arat N, Kacar S, Golbasi Z, Akdogan M, Somken Y, Kuran S, Idilman R. “P wave dispersion is prolonged in patients with Wilson’s disease.” Worl J Gastroenterol, 28, 1252-1256 (2008).

A56. Bektas M, Idilman R, Soykan I, Soydan E, Arat M, Cinar K, Coban S, Tuzun A, Bozkaya H, Ormeci N, Ozden A. “Adjuvant therapeutic plasma Exchange in liver failure: assessments of clinical and labratory parameters. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42, 517-521 (2008).

A57. Idilman R, Dilsa M, Corapcioglu D, Bektas M, Doganay B, Sayki M, Coban S, Erden E, Soykan I, Emral R, Uysal AR, Ozden A. “Clinical trial: insulin-sensitizing agents may reduce consequences of insulin resitance in individuals with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.” Aliment Pharmacol Ther 28, 200-208 (2008).

A58. Koytak ES, Mizrak, Bektas M, Verdi H, Arslan A, Idilman R, Cinar K, Yurdaydin C, Ersoz S, Karayacin K, uzunalimoglu O, Bozkaya H. “PPAR-alpha L162V polymorphism in human hepatocellular carsinoma. Turk J Gastroenterol, 19, 245-249 (2008).

A59. Arat M, Idilman R. “Hepatic complications of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.” Turk J Hematolol 25,111-123, (2008).

A60. Erden A, Idilman R, Erden I, Ozden A. “Veins around the esophagus and the stomach: do their calibrations provide a diagnostic clue for portal hypertensive gastropathy.” Clin Imaging, 33, 22-24 (2009).

A61. Idilman R, Kaymakoglu S, Onder O, Ahishali E, Bektas M, Cinar K, Pinarbasi B, Karayalcin S, Badur S, Cakaloglu Y, Bozdayi AM, Bozkaya H, Otken A, Yurdaydin C. “A short course of add-on adefovir dipivoxil treatment in lamivudine-resistant chronic hepatitis B patients.” J Viral Hepat, 16, 279-285 (2009).

A62. Korkut E, Bektas M, Savas B, Memmedzade F, Oztas E, Ustün Y, Idilman R, Ozden A. “Awareness of the endoscopist affects detection rate of heterotopic gastric mucosa in esophagus.” Ind J Gastroenterol 28, 75-76 (2009).

A63. Mizrak D, Engin B, Onder FO, Yener B, Bektaş M, Biyikli Z, Idilman R, Cinar K, Karayalçin K, Ersöz S, Karayalçin S, Ozden A, Yurdaydin C, Yazihan N, Ataoğlu H, Bozkaya H, Uzunalimoğlu O. “Aflatoxin exposure in viral hepatitis patients in Turkey.” Turkish J Gastroenterol 20, 192-197, (2009).

A64. Bektas M, Dokmeci A, Cinar K, Halici I, Oztas E, Karayalcin S, Idilman R, Sarioglu M, Ustun Y, Nazlıgul Y, Ormeci N, Ozkan H, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydin C. “Endoscopic mamangement of biliary parasitic diseases.” Dig Dis Sci 55, 1472-1478, (2010).

A65. Mızrak D, Bektaş M, Kaygusuz G, Cinar K, Idilman R, Ozden A. “Gastric aberrant pancreas.” Turkish J Gastroenterol 21, 68-69, (2010).

A66. Idilman R, Bektaş M, Cinar K, Toruner M, Cerit ET, Doğanay B, Erden E, Bozkaya H, Bahar K, Karayalcin S, Soykan I, Palabiyikoglu M, Cetinkaya H, Yurdaydin C, Dokmeci A, Ozden A. “The characteristics and clinical outcome of drug-induced liver injury: a single-center experience.” J Clin Gastroenterol, 44, 128-132, (2010).

A67. Erden A, Idilman R, Erden I, Bektaş M, Ozden A. “MR angiography of esophageal mural veins in protal hypertension: a correlation with endoscopic grades of esophageal varices.” Turkish J Gastroenterol 21, 275-79, (2010).

A68. Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi M. “Natural history and treatment of chronic delta hepatitis.” J Viral Hepat, 17, 249-56, (2010).

A69. Idilman R, Bozkus Y, Seval G, Mizrak D, Cinar K, Ustun Y, Bektas M, Arat M, Akbulut H, Doganay B, Ozden A. “Lymphoproliferative disorders in individuals with chronic hepatitis B and C in the Turkish population.” J Med Virol 83, 974-980, (2011).

A70. Idilman R, Arat M. “Evaluation and management of hepatitis B virus infection in hematopoietic stem cell transplantation: before and after transplantation.” Expert rev Anti Infect Ther 9, 641-652, (2011).

A71. Coban S, Idilman R, Erden E, Tuzun A. “Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase in predicting sustained virological response in individuals with chronic hepatitis C.” Hepatogastroenterology 58, 1301-1306, (2011).

A72. Celik I, Karatayli E, Cevik E, Kabakci SG, Karatayli SC, Dinc B, Cinar K, Yalcin K, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Bozdayi AM. “Complete genome sequences and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis delta viruses isolated from nine Turkish patients.” Arch Virol 156, 2215-2220, (2011).

A73. Seven G, Cinar K, Yakut M, Idilman R, Ozden A. “Assesment of helicobacter pylori eradication rate of triple combination therapy containing levofloxacin.” Turk J Gastroenterol 22,582-586, (2011).

A74. Karatayli E, Karatayli SC, Cinar K, Gokahmetoglu S, Guven K, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Bozdayi AM. “Molecular characterization of a novel entecavir mutation pattern isolated from a multi-drug refractory patient with chronic hepatitis B infection.” J Clin Virol 53, 130-134, (2012).

A75. Idilman R, Cinar K, Seven G, Bozkus Y, Elhan A, Bozdayi M, Yurdaydin C, Bahar K. “Hepatitis B surface antigen seroconversion is associated wit favourable long-term clinical outcomes during lamivudine treatment in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B patients.” J Viral Hepat 19, 220-226, (2012).

A76. Bozdayi AM, Karatayli SC, Alagöz SG, Mizrak D, Sayki M, Ozkan M, Savaş B, Erden E, Cinar K, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Potential biomarkers in assessing liver fibrosis using SELDI-TOF MS.” Turk J Gastroenterol 23, 46-53, (2012).

A77. Kabaçam G, Onder FO, Yakut M, Seven G, Karatayli SC, Karatayli E, Savas B, Idilman R, Bozdayi AM, Yurdaydin C. “Entecavir treatment of chronic hepatitis d.” Clin Infcet Dis 55, 645-650, (2012).

A78. Heidrich B, C Serrano B, Idilman R, Kabaçam G, Bremer B, Raupach R, Onder FO, Deterding K, Zacher BJ, Taranta A, Bozkaya H, Zachou K, Tillmann HL, Bozdayi AM, Manns MP, Yurdaydın C, Wedemeyer H. “HBeAg-positive hepatitis delta: virological patterns and clinical long-term outcome.” Liver Int 32, 1415-1425, (2012).

A79. Toy M, Onder FO, Idilman R, Kabacam G, Richardus JH, Bozdayi M, Akdogan M, Kuloglu Z, Kansu A, Schalm S, Yurdaydin C. “The cost-effectiveness of treating chronic hepatitis B patients in a median endemic and middle income country.” Eur J Health Econ 13, 663-676, (2012).

A80. Karatayli E, Idilman R, Karatayli SC, Cevik E, Yakut M, Seven G, Kabaçam G, Bozdayi AM, Yurdaydin C. “Clonal analysis of the quasispecies of antiviral resistant HBV genomes in patients with entecavir resistance during rescue treatment and successful treatment of entecavir resistance with tenofovir.” Antivir Ther (2012).

A81. Nishimura T, Hu Y, Wu M, Pham E, Suemizu H, Elazar M, Liu M, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Angus P, Stedman C, Murphy B, Glenn J, Nakamura M, Nomura T, Chen Y, Zheng M, Fitch WL, Peltz G. “Using chimeric mice with humanized livers to predict human drug metabolism and a drug-drug interaction.” J Pharmacol Exp Ther 344, 388-396, (2013).

A82. Idilman IS, Aniktar H, Idilman R, Kabacam G, Savas B, Elhan A, Celik A, Bahar K, Karcaaltincaba M. “Hepatic steatosis: quatification by proton density fat fraction with MR imaging versus liver biopsy.” Radiology 267, 767-775, (2013).

A83. Celebi ZK, Sengul S, Soypacaci Z, Yayar O, Idilman R, Tuzuner A, Keven K. Kidney transplantation from hepatitis B (HB)-positive donors to HB negative recipients: anti-HB Core immunoglobulin G became positive in all recipients after the transplantation.” Transpl Proc 45,923-925, (2013).

A84. Bakanay ŞM, Bilgin AU, Bektaş M, Idilman R, Erden E, Arat M, Arslan Ö. “Vanishing bile duct syndrome after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation: is it the end of the road?” Turk J Gastronetrol 24,359-362, (2013).

A85. Kabaçam G, Wedemeyer H, Savaş B, Keskin O, Dalekos G, Tabak F, Idilman R, Erhardt A, Yalçın K, Bozdayi MA, Bozkaya H, Manns M, Dienes H, Yurdaydın C; the HIDIT-1 Study Group. “Role of immunhistochemistry for hepatitis D and hepatitis B virus in hepatitis delta.” Liver Int 34,1207-15, (2014).

A86. Keskin O, Ormeci AC, Baran B, Kabaçam G, Tuzun A, Karatayli E, Akyüz F, Karatayli S, Bozdayi AM, Onel D, Badur S, Idilman R, Kaymakoglu S, Yurdaydin C. “Efficacy of tenofovir in adefovir experienced patients compared to treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis B.” Antiviral Ther 19,543-50, (2014).

A87. Bektas M, Seven G, Idilman R, Yakut M, Doğanay B, Kabacam G, Ustun Y, Korkut E, Kalkan C, Sahin G, Cetinkaya H, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydin C, Bahar K, Cinar K, Soykan I. “Manometric assessment of esophageal motor function in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis.” Eur J Intern Med 25,230-234, (2014).

A88. Karataylı E, Altunoğlu YC, Karataylı SC, Alagöz SG, Cınar K, Yalçın K, Idilman R, Yurdaydın C, Bozdayı AM. “A one step real time PCR method for the quantification of hepatitis delta virus RNA using an external armored RNA standard and intrinsic internal control.” J Clin Virol 60,11-15, (2014).

A89. Karatayli SC, Ulger ZE, Ergul AA, Keskin O, Karatayli E, Albayrak R, Ozkan M, Idilman R, Yalcin K, Bozkaya H, Uzunalimoğlu O, Yurdaydin C, Bozdayi AM. “Tumor necrosis factor-alpha, interleukin-10, interferon-gamma and vitamin D receptor gen polymorphisms in patients with chronic hepatitis delta.” J Viral Hepat 21,297-304, (2014).

A90. Idilman IS, Keskin O, Elhan AH, Idilman R, Karcaaltincaba M. ''Impact of sequential proton density fat fraction for quantification of hepatitc steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. " Scand J Gastroenterol 49,617-624, (2014).

A91. Sayki Aslan M, Turhan S, Dincer I, Mizrak D, Corapcioğlu D, Idilman R. "A potential link between endothelial function,cardiovascular risk, and metabolic syndrome in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease." Diabetol Metab Sybdr 14,106, (2014).

A92. Kabakçı Alagöz G, Karataylı SC, Karataylı E, Celik E, Dinç O, Dinç B, Cınar K, Idilman R, Yurdaydın C, Bozdayı AM. "Hepatitis C virus genotype distribution in Turkey remains unchanged after a decade:performance of pyhlogenetic analysis of the NS5B,E1 and 5'UTR regions in genotyping efficiency." Turk J Gastroenterol 25,405-410, (2014).

A93. Gürakar M, Malik M, Keskin O, Idilman R. "Public awareness of hepatitis B infection in Turkey as amodel of universal effectiveness in health care policy." Turk J Gastroenterol 25,304-308, (2014).

A94. Seven G, Çınar K, Idilman R, Tüzüner A, Hazinedaroğlu S, Karayalçın S, Bahar K. "Endoscopic treatment of biliary complications following liver transplantation." Turk J Gastroenterol 25,156-161, (2014).

A95. Wedemeyer H, Duberg AS, Buti M, Rosenbverg WM, Idilman R, et al. "Strategies to manage hepatitis C virus (HCV) disease burden." J Viral Hepat 21,60-89, (2014).

A96. Razavi H, Waked I, Sarrazin C, Myers RP, Idilman R, et al."The present and future disease burden of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection with today's treatment paradigm."J Viral Hepat 21,34-59, (2014).

A97. Bruggmann P, Berg T, Qvrehus AL, Moreno C, Idilman R, et al. "Historical epidemiology of hepatits C virus (HCV) in selected countries." J Viral Hepat 21,5-33, (2014).

A98. Keskin O, Idilman R. "Sequential development of acute autoimmune hepatitis may lead to aserious clinical picture in primary biliary cirrhosis." Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol 27,1228-1229, (2015).

A99. Yurdaydin C, Idilman R."Therapy of Delta Hepatitis." Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 7, (2015).

A100. Koh C, Canini L, Dahari H, Zhao X, Uprichard SL, Haynes-Williams V,Winters MA, Subramanya G, Cooper SL, Pinto P, Wolff EF, Bishop R, Ai Thanda Han M, Cotler SJ, Kleiner DE, Keskin O, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Glenn JS, Heller T. "Oral prenylation inhibition with lonafarnib in chronic hepatitis D infection: a proof-of-concept randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled phase 2A trial." Lancet Infect Dis 15,1167-1174, (2015).

A101. Tozun N, Ozdogan O, Cakaloglu Y, Idilman R, Karasu Z, Akarca U, Kaymakoglu S, Ergonul O. "Seroprevalence of hepatittis B and C virus infections and risk factors in Turkey: a fieldwork TURHEP study." Clin Microbiol Infect 21,1020-1026, (2015).

A102. Keskin O, Wedemeyer H, Tüzün A, Zachou K, Deda X, Dalekos GN, Heidrich B, Pehlivan S, Zeuzem S, Yalçın K, Gürel S, Tabak F, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Manns M, Yurdaydin C. "Association Between Level of Hepatitis D Virus RNA at Week 24 of Pegylated Interferon Therapy and Outcome." Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 13,2342-2349, (2015).

A103. Soydal C, Keskin O, Kucuk ON, Ozkan E, Bilgic S, Idilman R, Kir MK. "Prognostic factors for prediction of survival of hepatocellular cancer patients after selective internal radiation therapy." Ann Nucl Med 29,426-430, (2015).

A104. Idilman IS, Tuzun A, Savas B, Elhan AH, Celik A, Idilman R, Karcaaltincaba M. "Quantification of liver, pancreas, kidney, and vertebral body MRI-PDFF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. "Abdom Imaging 40,1512-1519, (2015).

A105. Idilman R, Gunsar F, Koruk M, Keskin O, Meral CE, Gulsen M, Elhan AH, Akarca US, Yurdaydin C. "Long-term entecavir or tenofovir disoprpxil fumarate therapy in treatment-naive chronic hepatitis B patients in the real-world setting." J Viral Hepat 22:504-510, (2015).

A106. Brouwer WP, Xie Q, Sonneveld MJ, Zhang N, Zhang N, Zhang Q, Tabak F, Streinu-Cercel A, Wang JY, Idilman R, Reesink HW, Diculescu M, Simon K, Voiculescu M, Akdogan M, Mazur W, Reijnders JG, Verhey E, Hansen BE, Janssen HL; ARES Study Group. "Adding pegylated inferferon to entecavir for hepatitis B antigen-positive chronic hepatitis B: A multicenter randomized trial (ARES study)" Hepatology 61:1512-1522, (2015).

A107. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Buti M, Goulis J,Arends P, Sypsa V, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskın O, Savvidou S, Hansen BE, Papaioannou C, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HL, Lampertico P. "Incidence and predictors of hepatocellular carcinoma in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B patients receiving entecavir or tenofovir." J Hepatol 62, 363-370, (2015).

A108. Karataylı SC, Bozdayı M, Karataylı E, Oztürk T, Husseini AA, Albayrak R, Ozkan M, Kalaylıoğlu Z, Yalçın K, Cınar K, Idilman R, Yurdaydın C. “Interleukin-28 gene polymorphisms may contribute to HBsAg persistence and the development of HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B.” Liver Int 35, 846-853, (2015).

A109. Soydal C, Aslan MF, Kucuk ON, Idilman R, Bilgic S. "Comparison of survival, safety, and efficacy after transarterial chemoembolization and radioembolization of Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage B-C heatocellular cancer patients" Nuci Med Commun, 37, 646-649, (2016).

A110. Idilman IS, Keskin O, Celik A, Savas B, Halil Elhan A, Idilman R, Karcaaltincaba M. "A comparison of liver fat content as determined by magnetic resonance imaging-proton density fat fraction and MRS versus liver histology in non alcoholic fatty liver disease." Acta Radiol 57, 271-278, (2016).

A111. Papatheodoridis G, Dalekos G, Sypsa V, Yurdaydin C, Buti M, Gouslis J, Calleja JL, Chi H, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Savvidou S, de la Revilla J, Hansen BE, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HL, Lampertico P. "PAGE-B predicts the risk of developing hepatocellular carcinoma in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B on 5-year antiviral therapy." J Hepatol, 64, 800-806, (2016).

A112. Idilman R, Erden A, Karakaya F. “Stone-containing cytic mass at the portal hilus of the liver in an asymptomatic young female patient.” Gastroenterology, 151, 9-10, (2016).

A113. Idilman R, Akyildiz M, Keskin O, Gungor G, Yilmaz TU, Kalkan C, Dayangac M, Cinar K, Balci D, Hazinedaroglu S, Tokat Y. “The long-term efficacy of combining nucleos(t)ide analog and low-dose hepatitis B immunoglobulin on post-trasplant hepatitis B virus recurrence.” Clin Transplant, 30, 1216-1221 (2016).

A114. Lutterkort GL, Wranke A, Yurdaydin C, Budde E, Westphal M, Lichtinghagen R, Stift J, Bremer B, Hardtke S, Keskin O, Idilman R, Koch A, Manns MP, Dienes HP, Wedemeyer H, Heidrich B. “Non-invasive fibrosis score for hepatitis delta.” Liver Int, 37, 196-204 (2017).

A115. Canini L, Koh C, Cotler SJ, Uprichard SL, Winters MA, Han MAT, Kleiner DE, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Glenn JS, Heller T, Dahari H. ''Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling of lonafarnib in patients with chronic hepatitis delta virus infection.'' Hepatol Commun, 19, 288-292 (2017).

A116. Kaymakoğlu S, Köksal İ, Tabak F, Akarca US, Akbulut A, Akyüz F, Bodur H, Çağatay A, Dinçer D, Esen Ş, Güner R, Gürel S, Köse Ş, Şentürk Ö, Şimşek H, Yamazhan T, Yılmaz Y, Idilman R, Guidelines Study Group VH. ''Recommendation for treatment of hepatitis C virus infection.'' Turk J Gastroenterol (2017)

A117. Idilman R, Baykam N, Kaymakoğlu S, Tabak F, Bahçecioğlu HI, Bektaş A, Bulut C, Günşar F, İnan D , Karaosmanoğlu HK, Karasu Z, Kuşçu F, Mete B, Özbakır Ö, Özdoğan OC, Parlak M, Sırmatel F, Topalak Ö, Ünsal B, Guidelines Study Group VH. ''Turkey 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines on recommendations for screening diagnosing and managing hepatitis C virus.'' Turk J Gastroenterol, 28, 90-93 (2017).

A118. Yurdaydın C, Tabak F, Kaymakoğlu S, Akarsu M, Akıncı EG, Akkız H, Alkım C, Çekin AH, Çuvalcı NÖ, Demir K, Değertekin B, Dökmetaş İ, Ersöz G, Hizel K, Kandemir FÖ, Önlen Y, Sonsuz A, Şenateş E, Tosun S, Tözün N, Idilman R, Guidelines Study Group VH. ''Diagnosis, management and treatment of hepatitis delta virus infection: Turkey 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines.'' Turk J Gastroenterol, 28, 84-89 (2017).

A119.Tabak F, Yurdaydın C, Kaymakoğlu S, Akarsu M, Akıncı EG, Akkız H, Alkım C, Çekin AH, Çuvalcı NÖ, Demir K, Değertekin B, Dökmetaş İ, Ersöz G, Hizel K, Kandemir FÖ, Önlen Y, Sonsuz A, Şenateş E, Tosun S, Tözün N, Idilman R, Guidelines Study Group VH. ''Diagnosis, management and treatment of hepatitis B virus infection: Turkey 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines'' Turk J Gastroenterol, 28, 73-83, Dec (2017).

A120. Idilman R. ''Management of special patient groups with hepatitis B virus infection: The EASL 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines. '' Turk J Gastroenterol, 28, 518-521 (2017).

A121. Idilman R.''The summarized of EASL 2017 Clinical Practice Guidelines on the management of hepatitis B virus infection'' Turk J Gastroenterol, 28, 412-416 (2017).

A122. Papatheodoridis GV, Idilman R, Dalekos GN, Buti M, Chi H, van Boemmel F, Calleja JL, Sypsa V, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Siakavellas S, Keskın O, Gatselis N, Hansen BE, Lehretz M, de la Revilla J, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Yurdaydin C, Berg T, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Lampertico P. ''The risk of hepatocellular carcinoma decreases after the first 5 years of entecavir or tenofovir in Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B'' Hepatology, 66, 1444-1453 (2017).

A123. Polaris Observatory HCV Collaborators. '' Global prevalence and genotype distribution of hepatitis C virus infection in 2015: a modelling study. '' Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 2, 161-176 (2017).

A124 Karakaya F, Özer S, Kalkan Ç, Tüzün EA, Çalışkan A, Keskin O, Kabaçam G, Karatayli S, Karatayli E, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C.'' Discontinuation of lamivudine treatment in HBeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B: a pilot study with long-term follow-up.'' Antivir Ther, 22, 559-570 (2017).

A125. Yurdaydin C, Keskin O, Kalkan Ç, Karakaya F, Çalişkan A, Karatayli E, Karatayli S, Bozdayi AM, Koh C, Heller T, Idilman R, Glenn JS. ''Optimizing lonafarnib treatment for the management of chronic delta hepatitis: The LOWR HDV-1 study.'' Hepatology 1224-1236 (2018).

A126 Hesimov I, Kirimker EO, Duman B, Keskin O, Cetinkaya OA, Hayme S, Ustuner E, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Dokmeci A, Kumbasar H, Yilmaz AA, Kologlu MB, Karayalcin K, Balci D.'' Health-related Quality of Life of Liver Donors: A Prospective Longitudinal Study.'' Transplant Proc, 50, 3076-3081 (2018).

A127 Zeybel M, İdilman R. ''Serum biomarkers for the evaluation of liver fibrosis: The need for better tests.''Turk J Gastroenterol, 29, 377-378, (2018)

A128. Lutterkort GL, Wranke A, Hengst J, Yurdaydin C, Stift J, Bremer B, Hardtke S, Keskin O, Idilman R, Manns MP, Dienes HP, Falk C, Wedemeyer H, Heidrich B. '' Viral dominance patterns in chronic hepatitis delta determine early response to interferon alpha therapy.'' J Viral Hepat, 25, 1384-1394 (2018).

A129. Papatheodoridis GV, Sypsa V, Dalekos G, Yurdaydin C, van Boemmel F, Buti M, Goulis J, Calleja JL, Chi H, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Siakavellas S, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Lehretz M, Savvidou S, de la Revilla J, Hansen BE, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. ''Eight-year survival in chronic hepatitis B patients under longterm entecavir or tenofovir therapy is similar to the general population.'' J Hepatol, 68, 1129-1136 (2018).

A130. Yurdaydin C, Keskin O, Kalkan Ç, Karakaya F, Çaliskan A, Kabaçam G, Önder FO, Karatayli S, Karatayli E, Deda X, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R. ''Interferon Treatment Duration in Patients With Chronic Delta Hepatitis and its Effect on the Natural Course of the Disease.'' J Infect Dis, 28, 1184-1192 (2018).

A131. Köklü S, Köksal I, Akarca US, Balkan A, Güner R, Demirezen A, Sahin M, Akhan S, Ozaras R, Idilman R. Daclastasvir plus asunaprevir dual therapy for chronic hepatitis HCV genotype 1 b infection: result of Turkish Early Access Program. Ann Hepatol, 16, 71-76 (2017).

A132. Bajaj JS, Idilman R, Mabudian L, Hood M, Fagan A, Turan D, White MB, Karakaya F, Wang J, Atalay R, Hylemon PB, Gavis EA, Brown R, Thacker LR, Acharya C, Heuman DM, Sikaroodi M, Gillevet PM. '' Diet affects gut microbiota and modulates hospitalization risk differentially in an international cirrhosis cohort.'' Hepatology, 68, 234-247 (2018).

A133. Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C, Hardtke S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gürel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis GV, Keskin O, Port K, Radu M, Celen MK, Idilman R, Weber K, Stift J, Wittkop U, Heidrich B, Mederacke I, von der Leyen H, Dienes HP, Cornberg M, Koch A, Manns MP; HIDIT-II study team. '' Peginterferon alfa-2a plus tenofovir disoproxil fumarate for hepatitis D (HIDIT-II): a randomised, placebo controlled, phase 2 trial.'' Lancet Infect Dis 19, 275-286 (2019).

A134. Idilman R, Demir M, Aladag M, Erol C, Cavus B, Iliaz R, Koklu H, Cakaloglu Y, Sahin M, Ersoz G, Koksal İ, Karasu Z, Ozgenel M, Turan İ, Gunduz F, Ataseven H, Akdogan M, Kiyici M, Koksal AS, Akhan S, Gunsar F, Tabak F, Kaymakoglu S, Akarca US; Early Access Program (EAP) Study Group. ''Low recurrence rate of hepatocellular carcinoma following ledipasvir and sofosbuvir treatment in a real-world chronic hepatitis C patients cohort.'' J Viral Hepat, 26, 666-674 (2019).

A135. van Campenhout MJH, Brouwer WP, Xie Q, Guo S, Chi H, Qi X, Tabak F, Streinu-Cercel A, Wang JY, Zhang NP, Idilman R, Reesink HW, Diculescu M, Simon K, Akdogan M, Mazur W, de Knegt RJ, Verhey E, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA; ARES Study Group. ''Long-term follow-up of patients treated with entecavir and peginterferon add-on therapy for HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B infection: ARES long-term follow-up.'' J Viral Hepat, 26, 109-117 (2019).

A136. Ataca Atilla P , Yalçıner M , Atilla E , Idilman R , Beksaç M. ''Hepatitis B reactivation rate and fate among multiple myeloma patients receiving regimens containing lenalidomide and/or bortezomib.'' Turk J Haematol, 36, 266-273 (2019)

A137.Cox IJ, Idilman R, Fagan A, Turan D, Ajayi L, Le Guennec AD , Taylor-Robinson SD, Karakaya F, Gavis E, Andrew Atkinson R, Williams R, Sikaroodi M, Nizan S, Gillevet PM, Bajaj JS. ''Metabolomics and microbial composition increase insight into the impact of dietary differences in cirrhosis.'' Liver Int, 40, 416-417(2020)

A138.Papatheodoridis GV, Sypsa V, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Van Boemmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H , Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Voulgaris T, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez-Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Galanis K, Idilman R, Estebean R, Janssen H, Berg T , Lampertico P. '' J Hepatol, 22 (2020).

A139. Fan R, Papatheodoridis G, Sun J, Innes H, Toyoda H, Xie Q, Mo S, Sypsa V, Guha IN, Kumada T, Niu J, Dalekos G, Yasuda S, Barnes E, Lian J, Suri V, Idilman R, Barclay ST, Dou X, Berg T, Hayes PC, Flaherty JF, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Buti M, Hutchinson SJ, Guo Y, Calleja JL, Lin L, Zhao L, Chen Y, Janssen HLA, Zhu C, Shi L, Tang X, Gaggar A, Wei L, Jia J, Irving WL, Johnson PJ, Lampertico P, Hou J. “aMAP risk score predicts hepatocellular carcinoma development in patients with chronic hepatitis” J Hepatol. 2020 73:1368-1378.

A140. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, İdilman R, Sypsa V, Van Boemmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Papatheodoridi M, Gatselis N, Veelken R, Lopez-Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Galanis K, Yurdaydin C, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. “Similar risk of hepatocellular carcinoma during long-term entecavir or tenofovir therapy in Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B.” J Hepatol. 2020 73:1037-1045.

A141. Kabaçam G, Dayangaç M, Üçbilek E, Erçin CN, Günsar F, Akyıldız M, Akarsu M, Demir M, Kaymakoğlu S, Karasu Z, İdilman R. “The COVID-19 pandemic: Clinical practice advice for gastroenterologists, hepatologists, and liver transplant specialists.’’ Turk J Gastroenterol. 2020;31:348-355.

A142.Idilman R, Razavi H, Robbins-Scott S, Akarca US, Örmeci N, Kaymakoglu S, Aygen B, Tozun N, Güner R, Bodur H, Lazarus JV. “A micro-elimination approach to addressing hepatitis C in Turkey’’ BMC Health Serv Res. 2020;24;20:249.

A143. Idilman R, Aydogan M, Oruncu MB, Kartal A, Elhan AH, Ellik Z, Gumussoy M, Er RE, Ozercan M, Duman S, Toruner M, Cinar K, Soykan I, Beyler AR, Ozkan H.

‘’Natural hıstory of cırrhosıs: Changıng trend sın etıology over the years.’’ Dig Dis 2020; 3.

A144. Wranke A, Hardtke S, Heidrich B, Dalekos G, Yalçin K, Tabak F, Gürel S, Çakaloğlu Y, Akarca US, Lammert F, Häussinger D, Müller T, Wöbse M, Manns MP, Idilman R, Cornberg M, Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C. “Ten-year follow-up of a randomized controlled clinical trial in chronic hepatitis delta.’’ J Viral Hepat 2020 27:1359-1368.

A145. Cox IJ, Idilman R, Fagan A, Turan D, Ajayi L, Le Guennec AD, Taylor-Robinson SD, Karakaya F, Gavis E, Andrew Atkinson R, Williams R, Sikaroodi M, Nizam S, Gillevet PM, Bajaj JS. “Metabolomics and microbial composition increase insight into the impact of dietary differences in cirrhosis.” Liver Int. 2020;40:416-427.

A146.Bremer B, Anastasiou OE, Hardtke S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gürel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis GV, Radu M, Idilman R, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Yurdaydin C, Wedemeyer H. ‘’ Residual low HDV viraemia is associated HDV RNA relapse after PEG-IFNa-based antiviral treatment of hepatitis delta: Results from the HIDIT-II study.’’ Liver Int. 2021;41:295-299.

A147.Papatheodoridis GV, Sypsa V, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Van Boemmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Voulgaris T, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez-Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Galanis K, Idilman R, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. “Hepatocellular carcinoma prediction beyond year 5 of oral therapy in a large cohort of Caucasian patients with chronic hepatitis B.’’ J Hepatol. 2020;72:1088-1096.

A148. Bremer B, Anastasiou OE, Hardtke S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gürel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis GV, Radu M, Idilman R, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Yurdaydin C, Wedemeyer H. ‘’Residual low HDV viraemia is associated HDV RNA relapse after PEG-IFNa-based antiviral treatment of hepatitis delta: Results from the HIDIT-II study.” Liver Int. 2021;41:295-299.

A149. Muhammad H, Tehreem A, Hammami MB, Ting PS, Idilman R, Gurakar A. “Hepatitis D virus and liver transplantation: Indications and outcomes.’’ World J Hepatol. 2021 27;13:291-299.

A150. Erden A, Kuru Öz D, Peker E, Kul M, Özalp Ateş FS, Erden İ, İdilman R. “MRI quantification techniques in fatty liver: the diagnostic performance of hepatic T1, T2, and stiffness measurements in relation to the proton density fat fraction.’’ Diagn Interv Radiol. 2021;27:7-14.

A151. Efe C, Dhanasekaran R, Lammert C, Ebik B, Higuera-de la Tijera F, Aloman C, Rıza Calışkan A, Peralta M, Gerussi A, Massoumi H, Catana AM, Torgutalp M, Purnak T, Rigamonti C, Gomez Aldana AJ, Khakoo N, Kacmaz H, Nazal L, Frager S, Demir N, Irak K, Ellik ZM, Balaban Y, Atay K, Eren F, Cristoferi L, Batıbay E, Urzua Á, Snijders R, Kıyıcı M, Akyıldız M, Ekin N, Carr RM, Harputluoğlu M, Hatemi I, Mendizabal M, Silva M, Idilman R, Silveira M, Drenth JPH, Assis DN, Björnsson E, Boyer JL, Invernizzi P, Levy C, Schiano TD, Ridruejo E, Wahlin S. “Outcome of COVID-19 in Patients With Autoimmune Hepatitis: An International Multicenter Study.’’ Hepatology. 2021;73:2099-2109.

A152. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Idilman R, Sypsa V, Van Boemmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Papatheodoridi M, Gatselis N, Veelken R, Lopez-Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos J, Galanis K, Yurdaydin C, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. “Predictive performance of newer Asian hepatocellular carcinoma risk scores in treated Caucasians with chronic hepatitis B.’’ JHEP Rep. 2021 20;3:100290.

A153. Özbaş B, Keskin O, Hecker H, Karahan I, Özbaş C, Kalkan Ç, Kartal A, Önder FO, Öncü BK, Gençdal G, Akyildiz M, Günşar F, Idilman R, Weissenborn K, Özütemiz Ö, Yurdaydin C. ’’ Determination of Turkish norms of psychometric tests for diagnosing minimal hepatic encephalopathy and proposal of a high sensitive screening test battery.’’ Hepatol Int. 2021; 3:

B. Uluslararası bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitabında (Proceedings) basılan bildiriler:

B1. Colantoni A, De Maria N, Idilman R, Barve SJ, Barve S, Mc Clain CJ, Kugelmas M, Van Theil DH. “Salicylate prevents hypoxia-reperfusion injury in liver without inhibiting NF-kB activation.” 15th Annual Scientific Meeting, The American Society of Transplant Physicians, 542, Chicago, IL-USA, 1997.

B2. De Maria N, Colantoni A, Wu Q, Zhu Q, Idilman R, Van Theil DH. “Comparison between University of Wisconsin solution and Euro-Collins plus sodium salicylate for cold preservation of rat livers.” 48th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 354, Chicago, IL-USA, 1997.

B3. Gürman G, Arslan Ö, Koç H, Dilek İ, Üstün C, Özcan M, Akan H, İlhan O, Sunguroğlu A, Konuk N, Uysal A, Idilman R, Beksaç M. “Donor leukocyte infusions for the treatment of leukemia relapse after allogeneic hematopoietic progenitor cell transplantation.” 39th Annual Meeting, American Society of Hematology, 379, San Diego, CA-USA, 1997.

B4. Üstün C, Idilman R, Gürman G, Özcan M, Akyol G, Akan H, İlhan O, Beksaç M, Uysal A, Konuk N, Van Theil DH, Karayalçın S, Koç H. “Stem cell transplantaion in non-replicative as compared to replicative hepatitis B virus carriers is safe.” 1st Hepatology Day, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL) Postgraduate Course, 132, İstanbul-Turkey, 1998.

B5. Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Bozdayı M, Dökmeci A, Şengezer T, Erkan Ö, Idilman R, Altınbaş B, Arıcan A, Çağsın S, Bahar K. “Hepatitis G virus infection among hemodialysis patients and patients with thalassemia major and patients with hematologic malignancy in Turkey.” 1st Hepatology Day, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL) Postgraduate Course, 145, İstanbul-Turkey, 1998.

B6. Dilek İ, Idilman R, Akan H, Fenkçi S, Üstün C, Koç H, İlhan O. “Immunosuppressive therapy-induced hepatotoxicity.” 1st Hepatology Day, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL) Postgraduate Course, 180, İstanbul-Turkey, 1998.

B7. Özden A, Çetinkaya H, Idilman R, Türkay C, Bahar K, Soykan İ. “Kısa süreli üçlü kombine tedavinin Helicobacter Pylori erdaikasyonunda yeri.” 2nd Avrasya Gastroenteroloji Günleri, 286, Almatı-Kazakistan, 1998.

B8. Beksaç M, İlhan O, Uysal A, Koç H, Idilman R, Arat M, Üstün C, Özcan M. “Cladribine therapy in chronic lymphoproliferative disorders: Single center experience. ISH-EHA Combined Haematology Congress, 244, Amsterdam-The Netherlands, 1998.

B9. Çetinkaya H, Idilman R, Savaş İ, Baştemir M, Karacan Ö, Sarıoğlu M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, Numanoğlu N. “Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid findings in patients with hepatitis C virus. 49th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 674, Chicago, IL-USA, 1998.

B10. Üstün C, Idilman R, Özcan M, Akan H, Karayalçın S, Gürman G, İlhan O, Beksaç M, Uysal A, Konuk N, Demirer T, Koç H. “Which hematopoietic stem cell transplantation type is safe for patients with hepatitis B virus carriers.” 49th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 718, Chicago, IL-USA, 1998.

B11. Idilman R, Akan H, Üstün C, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, Koç H. “Is there any correlation between transfusion frequency of blood and blood products and hepatitis G virus transmission.” 49th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 728, Chicago, IL-USA, 1998.

B12. Idilman R, Üstün C, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Akan H. “Is there any correlation between transfusion frequency of blood and blood products and blood-borne hepatitis virus transmission.” 40th Annual Meeting, American Society of Hematology, 133, Miami Beach, FL-USA, 1998.

B13. Idilman R, Çetinkaya H, Savaş İ, Baştemir M, Karacan Ö, Sarıoğlu M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, Numanoğlu N. “Lymphocyte population of bronchoalveolar lavage fluid in patient with hepatitis C virus.” 34th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 261, Naples-Italy, 1999.

B14. Üstün C, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Çelebi H, Arat M, Coşkun HŞ, Bozdayı M, İlhan O. “Hepatitis G virus in the sera of patients with aplastic anaemia.” 4th Congress of the European Haematology Association (EHA), 1207, Barcelona-Spain, 1999.

B15. Idilman R, Üstün C, Türkyılmaz A, Gürman G, Özcan M, Karayalçın S, Akan H, İlhan O, Beksaç M, Bozdayı M, Van Thiel DH, Koç H. “Adoptive immunity transfer in hepatitis virus carriers with hematological malignancy who undergoing allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.” 50th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 640, Chicago, IL-USA, 1999.

B16. Colantoni A, De Maria N, Idilman R, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Estrogen status contributes to the gender difference in the response to IFN for chronic hepatitis C.” 35th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 54, Rotterdam-The Netherlands, 2000.

B17. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “HFE mutations in chronic hepatitis C.” 35th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 10, Rotterdam-The Netherlands, 2000.

B18. Colantoni A, De Maria N, Idilman R, Harig J, Van Thiel DH. “Racial differences in the response to antiviral therapy for chronic hepatitis.” 35th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 71, Rotterdam-The Netherlands, 2000.

B19. Idilman R, Üstün C, Akan H, Karayalçın S, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, İlhan O, Akyol G, Bozdayı M, Colantoni A, Van Thiel DH. “Hepatitis B virus vaccination of recipients and donors of allogeneic peripheral blood stem cell transplantation: Risk and benefit ratio of HBV vaccination in recipients.” 51st Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 455, Dallas, Texas-USA, 2000.

B20. Colantoni A, Duffner LA, Idilman R, Grabowsky KA, Van Thiel DH, Witte PL, Kovacs EJ. “Hypoxia-reoxygenation injury contributes to aging of mouse liver.” 14th Annual Meeting, American Collage of Clinical Gerontology, 29, Boston, MA-USA, 2000.

B21. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Alkan S, Nand S, Soykan İ, Törüner M, Özden A, Dökmeci A, Van Thiel DH. “B-cell lymphoproliferative and plasma cell disorders in individuals with chronic hepatitis C.” 52nd Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 433, Dallas, Texas-USA, 2001.

B22. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Idilman R, Sarıoğlu M, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Yaşa H, Bektaş A, Beyler A, Dökmeci A, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts of the liver: The efficacy of ethyl alcohol and polidocanol injection.” 20th International Congress of Hydatidology, 143, Kuşadası-Turkey, 2001.

B23. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Idilman R, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts of the spleen: A new approach.” 20th International Congress of Hydatidology, 144, Kuşadası-Turkey, 2001.

B24. Örmeci N, Idilman R, Soykan İ, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Dökmeci A. “Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts of the kidney.” 20th International Congress of Hydatidology, 316, Kuşadası-Turkey, 2001.

B25. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Karayalçın K. “Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts of the peritoneum.” 20th International Congress of Hydatidology, 317, Kuşadası-Turkey, 2001.

B26. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Idilman R, Sarıoğlu M, Palabıyıkoğlu M. “Percutaneous treatment of the hydatid cysts of the muscle.” 20th International Congress of Hydatidology, 318, Kuşadası-Turkey, 2001.

B27. Idilman R, Tükün A, Erden E, Arat M, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Kuzu I, Özcan M, Topçuoğlu P, Soydan E, Karayalçın S, Özden A, Akan H. “Repopulation of liver endothelial cells, but not hepatocytes, by hematopoietic cell transplants.” 9th International Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology, 13, Antalya-Turkey, 2002.

B28. Arat M, Idilman R, Soydan E, Soykan İ, Üstün C, Topçu M, Karayalçın S, Akan H. “The efficiency of ursodeoxycholic acid in treatment of limited chronic graft-versus-host disease of the liver. American Society of Hematology, 5380, 2002.

B29. Örmeci N, Soykan İ, Idilman R, Törüner M, Çınar K, Sarıoğlu M, Palabıyıkoğlu M. “Percutaneous treatment of type III hydatid cysts of the liver: Long-term results. 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, 94, İstanbul-Turkey, 2002.

B30. Bektaş M, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R, Soykan İ, Bozkaya H, Özkan H, Beyler AR, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Örmeci N, Bahar K, Dökmeci A. “Diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis with ERCP.” 12th World Congress of The International Association of Surgeons and Gastroenterologists, 184, İstanbul-Turkey, 2002.

B31. Soydan E, Arat M, Topcuoğlu P, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, Idilman R, Gurman G, Beksaç M, Akan H, İlhan O. “The effect of mycophenolate mofetil in steroid refractory or dependent chronic graft-verus-host disease.” 29th Annual Meeting of the EBMT, 561, İstanbul-Turkey, 2003.

B32. Kuzu I, Idilman R, Arat M, Dalva K, Soykan İ, Akan H, Beksaç M. “Donor type epithelial cell repopulation in gastrointestinal mucosa following sex mismatch allogeneic peripheral blood transplantation.” 29th Annual Meeting of the EBMT, 816, İstanbul-Turkey, 2003.

B33. Idilman R, Soydan E, Arat M, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Karayalçın S, Üstün C, Topcuoğlu P, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, Beksaç M, İlhan O, Akan H, Özden A. “The effect of hepatitis B virus status of donor on the hepatitis B virus serology of recipient after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.” 38th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 146, İstanbul-Turkey, 2003.

B34. Idilman R, Arat M, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Karayalçın S, Soydan E, Özcan M, Beksaç M, Arslan Ö, Akbulut H, İlhan O, Akan H, Özden A. “Lamivudine prophylaxis for prevention of chemotherapy induced hepatitis B virus reactivation in hepatitis B virus carriers with hematological malignancies.” 38th Annual Meeting, European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 146, İstanbul-Turkey, 2003.

B35. Idilman R, Kuzu I, Erden E, Ersoz S, Karayalcin K, Yerdel M, Tukun A, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Karayalcın S. “Recipient-derived hepatocytes in sex-mismatched liver transplants: A preliminary report.” From Stem Cells to Xenotransplantation. European Association For The Study Of The Liver (EASL), 36, Venice-Italy, 2003.

B36. Idilman R, Kuzu I, Erden E, Ersoz S, Karayalcin K, Yerdel M, Tukun A, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Karayalcın S. “Recipient-derived hepatocytes in sex-mismatched liver transplants.” 54th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1025, Boston, MA-USA, 2003.

B37. Verdi H, Koytak ES, Ergul AA, Idilman R, Uzunalimoglu O, Yurdaydin C, Bozkaya H. “PPAR-Alpha L162V polymorphism in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.” 55th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 588, Boston, MA-USA, 2004.

B38. Kuzu I, Idilman R, Arat M, Dalva K, Soykan İ, Akan H, Beksaç M. “Donor type epithelial cell repopulation in gastrointestinal mucosa following sex mismatch allogeneic peripheral blood transplantation: An evidence for in vivo stem cell plasticity? 12th Annual International Symposium on Recent Advances in Stem Cell Transplantation, 5, Heilderberg-Germany, 2004.

B39. Idilman R, Soykan I, Erden E, Kuzu I, Arat M, Akyol G, Akan H, Beksac M, Ozden A, Karayalcin S. “The effect of tissue injury on donor-derived hepatocyte repopulation following sex-mismatched hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.” 40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 139, Paris, France, 2005.

B40. Arslan A, Yurdaydin C, Koytak ES, Idilman R, Uzunalimoglu O, Bozdayi AM, Bozkaya H. “Potential role of cytokine gene polymorphism in hepatitis B infection outcome.” 40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 230, Paris, France, 2005.

B41. Idilman R, Erden E, Arat M, Coban S, Erkan O, Tuzun A, Kuzu I, Bozadayi AM, Akan H, Karayalcin S, Ozden A. “The expression of intestinal trefoil factor in biliary epithelial cells of chronic graft-versus-host disease of the liver in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplants.” 40th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 236, Paris, France, 2005.

B42. Yurdaydin C, Bozkaya H, Onder O, Senturk H, Fried M, Idilman R, Cetinkaya H, Schinazi R, Bozdayi AM, Uzunalimoglu O. “Treatment of chronic hepatitis D with interferon vs interferon+lamivudine vs lamivudine. Short- and long-term results.” 56th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 724, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2005.

B43. Idilman R, Erden E, Ersoz S, Kuzu I, Karayalcin S. “The fate of recipient-derived repopulated hepatocytes in sex-mismatched liver allograft: a longitudinal study. Short- and long-term results.” 56th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 744, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2005.

B44. Ulger Z, Emir F, Arslan A, Idilman R, Yalcin K, Uzunalimoglu O, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi M, Yurdaydin C. “Potential role of cytokine gene polymorphisms in outcome of chronic delta hepatitis.” 57th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 677, Boston, MA-USA, 2006.

B45. Idilman R, Mizrak D, Soykan I, Corapcioglu D, Erden E, Coban S, Bektas M, Uysal AR, Emral R, Doganay B, Ozden A. “Insulin-sensitizer agents in the treatment of individuals with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis: a preliminary report.” 57th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 651, Boston, MA-USA, 2006.

B46. Kaymakoğlu S, Idilman R, Ahishali E, Onder O, Bektas M, Badur S, Bozdayi AM, Besisik F, Cakaloglu Y, Bozkaya H, Karayalcin S, Okten A, Yudraydin C. “High baseline HBV-DNA is linked to the emergence of adefovir resistance in lamivudine resistant patients.” 42th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 189, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

B47. Dilsa M, Idilman R, Bektas M, Erden E, Soykan I, Corapcioglu D, Doganay B, Emral R, Uysal AR, Ozden A. “The effect of insulin-sensitizing agents in the treatment of individuals with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.” 42th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 277, Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

B48. Filiz Emir, Bektas M, Kesen E, Idilman R, Bozdayi AM, Yurdaydin C. “Complete genome sequences and phylogenetic analysis of hepatitis D viruses (HDV) isolated from Turkish patients with chronic HDV infection.” 58th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 894, Boston, MA-USA, 2007.

B49. Bozkus Y, Idilman R, Mizrak D, Cengiz G, Bektas M, Ustun Y, Cınar K, Ozden A. “Lymphoproliferative disorders in chronic viral hepatitis.” 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 239, Milan, Italy, 2007.

B50. Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Cevik E, Akarca US, Kaymakoglu S, Bozdayi AM. “Adefovir treatment of entecavir resistance patients with lamivudine-refractory chronic hepatitis B.” 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 255, Milan, Italy, 2007.

B51. Bektas M, Idilman R, Cerit T, Cinar K, Toruner M, Soykan I, Palabıyıkoglu M, Ozkan H, Bozkaya H, Beyler AR, Cetinkaya H, Karayalcin S, Bahar K, Ormeci N, Yurdaydin C, Dokmeci A, Ozden A. “Drug-induced liver injury: a single center experience over a 7-year period.” 59th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 368, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2008.

B52. Heidrich B, Wedemeyer H, Bektas M, Idilman R, Onder O, Bozdayi M, Zachou K, Deterding K, Raupach R, Bozkaya H, Manns MP, Yurdaydin C. “HBeAg positive delta hepatitis: virological, biochemical and clinical features in a large European Multicenter Data Base.” 59th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1184, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2008.

B53. Karatayli S, Mizrak D, Sayki M, Ozkan M, Erden E, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Bozdayi M. “Potential proteomic biomarkers in assessing liver fibrozis using SELDI-TOF MS.” 44th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 112, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009.

B54. Idilman R, Seval G, Cinar K, Mizrak D, Bozkus Y, Arslan M, Bektas M, Erden E, Ozden A. “The effect of dietary intervention on the long-term clinical outcome of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease” 44th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 371, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2009.

B55. Toy M, Onder O, Idilman R, Richardus JH, Bozdayi AM, Kuloglu Z, Kansu A, Yurdaydin C. “The burden of chronic hepatitis B in a median endemic country: a mathematical approach.” 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 494, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B56. Karatayli E, Idilman R, Karatayli S, Cevik E, Akarca U, Kaymakoglu S, Bozdayi M, Yurdaydin C. “Clonal analysis of the quasispecies of antiviral resistant HBV genomes in patients with entecavir resistance treated with rescue lamivudine-adefovir combination treatment.” 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 502, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B57. Onder FO, Yakut M, Idilman R, Seven G, Kabacam G, Karatayli E, Karatayli S, Celik Y, Bozkaya H, Bozadyi M, Yurdaydin C. “Entecavir may be beneficial in a subset of patients with chronic delta hepatitis.” 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 735, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B58. Idilman R, Seval G, Seven G, Cinar K, Mizrak D, Arslan M, Kabacam G, Ustun Y, Yakut M, Bektas M, Ozden A. “The characteristics and natural course of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in a single center experience.” 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 801, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B59. Karatayli S, Mizrak D, Arslan M, Ozkan M, Savas B, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Bozdayi M. “Proteomic biomarkers in assessment of liver fibrosis using SELDI-TOF MS.” 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 842, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B60. Toy M, Onder O, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Degertekin H, Yalcin K, Schalm SW, Yurdaydin C. “The burden of delta hepatitis projected using a mathematical model in a delta hepatitis endemic country. 60th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 929, Boston, MA-USA, 2009.

B61. Kabacam G, Onder FO, Seven G, Yakut M, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Outcome and virological changes during the follow up of a large single center cohort of chronic delta hepatitis patients” 45th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 318, Vienna, Austria, 2010.

B62. Lampertico P, Vigano M, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Buti M, Esteban R, Papatheodoridis GV, Pinzello G, Vinci M, Minola E, Suter F, Del Poggio P, Andreoletti M, Fagiuoli S, Colombo AE, Salmi A, Santantonio T, Magni C, Gubertini GA, Maldini FF, Terreni NM, Facchetti F, Soffredini R, Colombo M. “Effectiveness and safety of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in field practice: a multicenter European cohort study of 737 patients with chronic hepatitis B.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 369, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B63. Seven G, Idilman R, Bozkus Y, Cinar K, Kabacam G, Yakut M, Bozdayi AM, Yurdaydin C. “HBsAg seroconversion under lamivudine in HBeAg negative chronic hepatitis B.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 453, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B64. Yakut M, Seven G, Baran B, Kabacam G, Karatayli E, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Kaymakoglu S, Yurdaydin C. “Clevudine treatment of chronic delta hepatitis” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 473, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B65. Yakut M, Bektas M, Seven G, Kabacam G, Karatayli E, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Characterization of the inactive HBsAg carrier state.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 480, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B66. Seval G, Idilman R, Cinar K, Seven G, Yakut M, Kabacam G, Evranos B, Savas B, Bahar K. “Identification of risk factors for fibrosis progression in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 675, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B67. Kabacam G, Onder FO, Seven G, Yakut M, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Outcome of chronic delta hepatitis: experience gained from a large single center cohort.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 751, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B68. Tozun N, Ozdogan OC, Cakaloglu Y, Idilman R, Karasu Z, Akarca US, Kaymakoglu S, Ergonul O. “A nationwide prevalence study and risk factors for hepatitis A, B, C and D infections in Turkey.” The 61th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 789, Boston, MA-USA, 2010.

B69. Yakut M, Bektas M, Seven G, Kabacam G, Karatayli E, Karatayli SC, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Characterization of the inactive HBsAg carrier state with 3 year follow-up.” 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 398, Berlin Germany, 2011.

B70. Kabacam G, Yakut M, Seven G, Bozkaya H, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Interferon treatment of delta hepatitis: the longer duration the better the success” 46th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 723, Berlin Germany, 2011.

B71. Bozdayi AM, Ozturk T, Altuntas S, Karatayli SC, Karatayli E, Celik İ, Cinar K, Albayrak R, Ozkan M, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Interleukin-28 (IL-28) gene polymorphism (IRS12979860 C/T) is associated with progression to chronic delta hepatitis infection.” The 62th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 512, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2011.

B72. Kabacam G, Yakut M, Seven G, Karatayli SC, Nassiri C, Bozkaya H, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. “Delta hepatitis may require prolonged treatment with interferon.” The 62th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1430, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2011.

B73. Lampertico P, Soffredini R, Vigano M, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Papatheodoridis GV, Margariti K, Buti M, Esteban R, Zaltron S, Vavassori A, Carosi G, Minola E, Vinci M, Pinzello G, Giorgini AM, Zuin M, Salmi A, Del Poggio P, De Filppi F, Bruno S, Pasulo L, Fagiuoli S, Andreoletti M, Colli A, Maldini FF, Milanese M, Colombo AE, Bellati GA, Angeli E, Magni C, Gubertini GA, Rizzardini G, Fasano M, Santantonio T, Terreni NM, Spinzi G, Facchetti F, Invernizzi F, Testa A. “2-year effectiveness and safety of tenofovir in 302 nuc-naive patients with chronic hepatitis B: a multicenter European study in clinical practive.” The 62th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1433, San Francisco, CA-USA, 2011.

B74. Bozdayi AM, Ozturk T, Altuntas S, Karatayli SC, Inci C, Cinar K, Albayrak R, Ozkan M, Kendal Y, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. Interleukin-28B gene polymorphisim may affect the natural course of hepatitis B and Delta virus infections. 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 43, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.

B75. Onder FO, Kabacam G, Savas B, Ozer Etik D, Oztas E, Idilman R, Sasmaz N, Kayacetin E, Yurdaydin C. Discrepancy of treatment guidelines and liver biopsy findings in hepatitis B patients. 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 479, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.

B76. Keskin O, Ormeci A, Kabacam G, Akyuz F, Aniktar H, Karaca C, Idilman R, Kaymakoglu S, Yurdaydin C. Response to tenofovir treatment of treatment-naïve vs adefovir-resistant vs suboptimal responder patients with chronic hepatitis B. 47th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 520, Barcelona, Spain, 2012.

B77. Sonneveld MJ, Xie Q, Zhang NP, Zhang Q, Tabak F, Streinu-cercel A, Idilman R, De Niet A, Diculescu M, Van Vuuren AJ, Verhey E, Hansen BE, Janssen HL. Adding perginterferon alfa-2a to entecavir increases HBsAg decline and HBeAg clearance – first results from a global randomized trial (ARES study). The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 19A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B78. Yurdaydin C, Wedemeyer H, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis GV, Port K, Keskin O, Radu MN, Celen MK, Idilman R, Stift J, Mederacke I, Heidrich B, Manns MP, Dienes HP, Pegylated interferon-a-2a plus tenofovir or placebo for the treatment of hepatitis delta: first results od the HIDIT-2 study. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 24A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B79. Lampertico P, Soffredini R, Vigano M, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Papatheodoridis GV, Margariti K, Buti M, Esteban R, Zaltron S, Vavassori A, Carosi G, Minola E, Vinci M, Pinzello G, Giorgini AM, Zuin M, Salmi A, Colombo S, Fracassetti O, Del Poggio P, Bruno S, Pasulo L, Fagiuoli S, Andreoletti M, Colli A, Maldini FF, Milanese M, Strazzabosco M, Colombo AE, Bellati GA, Angeli E, Magni C, Gubertini GA, Fasano M, Santantonio T, Terreni NM, Spinzi G, Facchetti F, Invernizzi F, Colombo M. Tenofovir monotherapy suppressed viral suppression in most filed practice, treatment-naïve patients with chronic hepatitis B followed for 3 years in a multicenter European study. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 401A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B80. Keskin O, Ormeci A, Kabacam G, Akyuz F, Aniktar H, Karaca C, Idilman R, Kaymakoglu S, Yurdaydin C. Response to tenofovir treatment of treatment-naïve and adefovir experienced patients with chronic hepatitis B. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 412A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B81. Onder FO, Erhardt A, Idilman R, Keskin O, Dalekos GN, Yalcin K, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C. Can response to pegylated interferon treatment in chronic delta hepatitis be predicted with on-treatment parameter? The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 436A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B82. Yakut M, Keskin O, Seven G, Kabacan G, Karatayli E, Karatayli SC, Bektaş M, Bozdayi M, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. Characterization of the inactive HBsAg carrier state with 4 years of follow-up. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 508A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B83. Idilman R, Keskin O, Karatayli SC, Aniktar H, Kabacam G, Savas B, Cinar K, Bozdayi M, Bahar K, Yurdaydin C. The impact of genetic variability of patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing 3 gene on histological progression of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a cross-sectional and longitudinal follow-up study. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1474A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B84. Idilman IS, Keskin O, Kabacam G, Savas B, Karcaltincaba M, Cinar K, Idilman R. The impact of sequential proton density fat fraction calculation by MRI for quantification of hepatic steatosis in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: a longitudinal follow-up study. The 63th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1519A, Boston, MA-USA, 2012.

B85. Heidrich B, Yurdaydin C, Kabacam G, Zachou K, Bremer B, Dalekos GN, Erhardt A, Cakaloglu Y, Yalcin K, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Bock T, Idilman R, Manns MP. Long-term follow-up after PEG-IFNa2a-based therapy of chronic hepatitis delta. 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 46A, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 2013.

B86. Keskin O, Idilman R, Evranos B, Kabacam G, Turhan S, Corapcioglu D, Yurdaydin C. The effect of metformin treatment on cardiovascular risk in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. 48th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 1343A, Amsterdam, The Netherland, 2013.

B87. Papatheodoridis G, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Goulis I, Arends P, Buti M, Sypsa V, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Savvidou S, Hansen BE, Papaioannou C, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HL, Lampertico P. Risk and risk factors of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients with or without cirrhosis treated with entecavir (ETV) or tenofovir (TDF). The 64th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 190A, Washington, DC, USA, 2013.

B88. Lampertico P, Soffredini R, Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Papatheodoridis GV, Margariti E, Buti M, Esteban R, Zaltron S, Vavassori A, Castelli F, Vigano M, Rumi MG, Vinci M, Belli LS, Cologni G, Rizzi M, et al. Four years of tenofovir monotherapy for NUC naive field practice European patients suppresses HBV replication in most patients with a favourable renal safety profile but does not prevent HCC in patients with or without cirrhosis. The 64th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 933A, Washington, DC, USA, 2013.

B89. Idilman R, Gunsar F, Keskin O, Meral CE, Koruk M, Gulsen MT, Elhan AH, Bozdayi AM, Akarca U, Yurdaydin C. Effectiveness and safety of entecavir and tenofovir in chronic hepatitis b patients: A multicenter Turkish Study in clinical practice. The 64th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1029A, Washington, DC, USA, 2013.

B90. Keskin O, Yakut M, Kalkan C, Karatayli SC, Karatayli E, Idilman R, Bozadyai AM, Yurdaydin C. Inactive hepatitis B carriers are prone to HbsAg loss rather than reactivation: a 5-year prospective follow-up study. The 64th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1057A, Washington, DC, USA, 2013.

B91. Brouwer WP, Xie Q, Sonneveld MJ, Zhang NP, Zhang Q, Tabak F, Streinu A, Wang JY, Idilman R, Reesink HW, Diculescu M, Simon K, Voiculescu M, Akdogan M, Mazur W, Reijnders JGP, Verhey E, Hansen BE, Janssen HLA. Adding peginterferon to entecavir increases response rates in HBeAg-positive chronic hepatitis B patients: Week 96 results of a global multicenter randomized trial (ARES Study). 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 2A, London, United Kingdom, 2014.

B92. Wedemeyer H, Yurdaydin C, Ernst S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Luth S, Papatheodoridis G.V, Keskin O, Port K, Radu M, Celen MK, Ildeman R, Stift J, Heidrich B, Mederacke I, Hardtke S, Koch A, Dienes HP, Manns MP. Prolonged therapy of hepatitis delta for 96 weeks with pegylated-interferon-a-2a plus tenofovir or placebo does not prevent HDVRNA relapse after treatment: THE HIDIT-2 STUDY. 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 4A, London, United Kingdom, 2014.

B93. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos G, Sypsa V, Yurdaydin C, Buti M, Goulis J, Arends P, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskın O, Savvidou S, Hansen BE, Papaioannou C, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Lampertico P. PAGE-B: Risk score for hepatocelular carcinoma (HCC) development in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients receiving entecavir (ETV) or tenofovir (TDF). 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 1075A, London, United Kingdom, 2014.

B94. Idilman R, Keskin O, Gunsar F, Koruk M, Meral CE, Tuzun A, Gulsen M, Elhan AH, Akarca US, Yurdaydin C. Entecavir and tenofovir monotherapy in treatment naive patients with chronic hepatitis B: A multicenter Turkish study in clinical practice. 49th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 1087A, London, United Kingdom, 2014.

B95. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos G, Sypsa V, Yurdaydin C, Buti M, Goulis I, Chi H, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskın O, Savvidou S, Hansen BE, Vlachogiabbajos J, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Lampertico P. Timing of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) development and predictability of a modified PAGE-B risk score in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients treated with entecavir (ETV) and tenofovir (TDF). The 65th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 233A, Boston, MA, USA, 2014.

B96. Idilman R, Akyildiz M, Keskin O, Tuzun A, Yilmaz TU, Guler N, Yaprak O, Gungor G, Erdogan Y, Dayangac M, Balci D, Cinar K, Tuzuner A, Hazinedaroglu S, Tokat Y, Ersoz S, Dokmeci A. The lobg-term efficacy of combination of nucleos(t)ide analogue treatment and low dose hepatitis B immunoglobulin on posttransplant HBV recurrence. The 65th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 703A, Boston, MA, USA, 2014.

B97. Wöbse M, Yurdaydin C, Ernst S, Hardtke S, Heidrich B, Bremer B, Keskin O, Idilman R, Koch A, Manns MP, Wedemeyer H. Eraly on-treatment HDV RNA kinetics are not predictive for long-term response to a PEG-IFNa therapy of hepatitis delta. The 65th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1613A, Boston, MA, USA, 2014.

B98. Koh C, Yurdaydin C, Cooper S, Cory D, Dahari H, Haynes-Williams V, Winters MA, Bys M, Choong IC, Idilman R, Keskin O, Canini L, Pinto P, Wolff EF, Bishop R, Kleiner DE, Hoofnagle JH, Glenn J, Heller T. Prenylation inhibition with lonafarnib decreases hepatitis D levels in humans. The 65th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1860A, Boston, MA, USA, 2014.

B99. Chan HL, Ahn SH, Chuang WL, Hui AJ, Tabak F, Mehta R, Petersen J, Lee CM, Ma X, Caruntu FA, Tak WY, Elkhashab M, Lin L, Dinh P, Martins EB, Charuworn P, McHutchinson JG, Subramanian GM, Lim SG, Foster GR, Fung S, Morano L, Samuel D, Agarwal K, Idilman R, Strasser S, Buti M, Gaeta GB, Papatheodoridis G, Flisiak R, Marcellin P. Predictors of clinical response: Results from a large, randomized controlled study with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) plus peginterferon (PEG) alpha 2a combination for chronic hepatitis B (CHB). 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 117O, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

B100. Yurdaydin C, Idilman R, Choong I, Kalkan C, Keskin O, Karakaya MF, Tuzun AE, Karatayli E, Bozdayi M, Cory D, Glenn JS. Optimizing the prenylation inhibitor lonafarnib using ritonavir boosting in patients with chronic delta hepatitis. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 118O, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

B101 Canini L, Koh C, Cotler SJ, Zhao X, Uprichard SL, Haynes-Williams V, Winters MA, Subramanya G, Cooper SL, Pinto P, Wolff E, Bishop R, Than Han MA, Kleiner DE, Keskin O, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Glenn JS, Heller T, Dahari H. Understanding hepatitis Delta virus and HBsAg kinetics during treatment with preynylation inhibitor lonafarnib via mathematical modeling. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 36LP, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

B102 Papatheodoridis G, Dalekos G, Yurdaydin C, Buti M, Sypsa V, Goulis J, Calleja JL, Chi H, Manolakopoulos S, Mangia G, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Savvidou S, De La Revilla J, Hansen BE, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Colombo M, Esteban R, Janssen HL, Lampertico P. Excellent 5-year survival in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B (CHB) patients with or without cirrhosis under long-term entecavir (ETV) or tenofovir (TDF) therapy and the impact of hepatocellular carcinoma. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 641P, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

B103. Idilman IS, Tuzun A, Savas B, Idilman R, Karcaaltincaba M. Quantification of liver pancreas, kidney and vertebral body MRI-PDFF in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. 50th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 1023P, Vienna, Austria, 2015.

B104. Lutterkort GL, Wranke A, Yurdaydin C, Budde E, Lichtinghagen R, Stift J, Hardtke S, Idilman R, Keskin O, Koch A, Manns MP, Dienes HP. Non-invasive clinical scores to identify liver fibrosis in hepatitis delta patients. 51th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), O-120, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

B105. Yurdaydin C, Borochov N, Kalkan C, BedRoy S, Karatayli E, Haynes-Williams V, Karatayli SC, Canini L, Uprichard SL, Bozdayi AM, Choong I, Cory D, Heller T, Cotler SJ, Idilman R, Glen JS, Dahari H. Hepatitis delta virus kinetics under the prenylation inhibitor lonafarnib suggest HDV-meditated suppression of HBV replication. 51th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 110, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

B106. Canini L, Koh C, Cotler SJ, Uprichard SL, Winters MA, Han MAT, Kleiner DE, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C, Glen JS, Heller T, Dahari H. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics modeling of lonafarnib in patients with chronic hepatitis delta virus infection. 51th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL), 115, Barcelona, Spain, 2016.

B107. Yurdaydın C, Idilman R, Keskin O, Kalkan C, Caliskan A, Yurdcu E, Karatayli SC, Bozdayi M, Koh C, Heller T, Glenn J. A phase 2 dose-optimization study of lonafarnib with ritonavir for the treatment of chronic delta hepatitis- end of treatment results from the LOWR HDV-2 study. 52th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL) GS-008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2017.

B108. Bajaj JS, Idilman R, Mabudian L,Hood M, Fagan A, Turan D, Karakaya F, White M.Gavis E, Heuman D,Hylemon P, Atalay R, Brown R,Sikaroodi M, Gillevet P. Diet affects gut microbiota and modulates hospitalization risk differentially in an international cirrhosis cohort. 53th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL) PS-016, Paris, France, 2018.

B109. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Sypsa V, Bömmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Siakavellas S, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez‐Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. Prediction and Need for Surveillance of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) Development after the First 5 Years of Entecavir (ETV) or Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF) Therapy in Caucasian Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) Patients of the PAGE‐B Cohort. The 69th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD),17, Boston, MA, USA, 2018.

B110. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Sypsa V, Bömmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Siakavellas S, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez‐Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. ALT Levels and Risk of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in Caucasian Chronic Hepatitis B (CHB) Patients Under Long‐Term Therapy with Entecavir (ETV) or Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate (TDF). The 69th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD),17, Boston, MA, USA, 2018.

B111. Cox IJ, Idilman R, Fagan A, Turan D, Ajayi L, Karakaya F, Williams R, Gavis E, Andrew Atkinson R, Guennec AL, Taylor-Robinson S, Sikaroodi M, Gillevet P, Bajaj JS. Plasma metabolomic changes modulate the impact of Middle Eastern versus Western Diet in an international cirrhosis cohort. 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL) PS-082, Vienna, Austria France, 2019.

B112. Hardtke S, Wedemeyer H, Caruntu FA, Curescu M, Kendal Y, Akarca U, Yurdcu E, Gurel S, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis G, Keskin O, Port K, Radu M, Tabak F, Idilman R, Bozdayi M, Koch A, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Yurdaydin C. Frequency, severity and impact of Peg-IFNa-associated flares in HDV infection: Results from the HIDIT-II study. 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL) FRI-175, Vienna, Austria France, 2019.

B113. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Sypsa V, Bömmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Voulgaris T, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez‐Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. Prediction of elastographic reversion of cirrhosis after 5 years of entecavir or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy in caucasian chronic hepatitis B patients. 54th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver. (EASL) FRI-197, Vienna, Austria France, 2019.

B114. Papatheodoridis GV, Dalekos GN, Yurdaydin C, Sypsa V, Bömmel F, Buti M, Calleja JL, Chi H, Goulis J, Manolakopoulos S, Loglio A, Papatheodoridi M, Gatselis N, Keskin O, Veelken R, Lopez‐Gomez M, Hansen BE, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Idilman R, Esteban R, Janssen HLA, Berg T, Lampertico P. Similar Risk Of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development During Long‐Term Entecavir or Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate Therapy In Caucasian Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. The 70th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 454, Boston, MA, USA, 2019.

B115. Sah FT, Keskin O, Yurdcu E, Yilmaz Y, Karakaya MF, Kartal A, Bozdayi M, Idilman R, Yurdaydin C. Treatment Discontinuation In HBeAg‐Negative Chronic Hepatit B is a Viable Option in Non‐Cirrhotic Genotype D Chronic Hepatitis B Patients. The 70th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 482, Boston, MA, USA, 2019.

B116. Yurdaydin C, Keskin O, Yurdcu E, Yakut M, Seven G, Kabacam G, Onder FA, Bektas M, Bozdayi M, Idilman R. Natural History of Inactive HBsAg Carriers: A 10‐ Year Prospective Follow‐Up Study. The 70th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 954, Boston, MA, USA, 2019.

B117. Ulas BB, Ozyuncu N, Calıskan Kartal A, Peker E, Turan Gokce D, Gumussoy M, Ozercan M, Tulunay C, Uzun C, Erden A, Turhan S, Idilman R. Association between Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Subclinical Atherosclerosis and Myocardial Dysfunction Using Multimodality Imaging Follow‐Up Study. The 70th Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 2313, Boston, MA, USA, 2019.

B118. Ellik ZM, Idilman IS, Kartal A, Balaban YH, Karcaaltincaba M, Idilman R. Magnetic Resonance Elastography and Transient Elastography to Assess Hepatıc Stetaosıs And Liver Fibrosis in the Liver Transplant Setting. The 71st Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD), 1289, 2020.

B119. Fan R, Papatheodoridis G, Sun J, Innes H, Toyoda H, Xie Q, Mo S, Sypsa V, Guha IN, Kumada T, Niu J, Dalekos G, Yasuda S, Barnes E,Lian J, Suri V, Idilman R, Barclay ST, Dou X, Berg T, Hayes PC, Flaherty JF, Zhou Y, Zhang Z, Ferret MAB, Hutchinson SJ, Guo Y, Calleja JL, Lin L, Zhao L, Chen Y, Janssen HLA, Zhu C, Shi L, Tang X, Gaggar A, Wei L, Jia JD, Irving WL, Johnson P, Lampertico P, Hou JL. AMAP Risk Score Predicts Hepatocellular Carcinoma Development in Chronic Hepatitis Patients: an International Cohort Collaboration. The 71st Annual Meeting, The American Association For The Study Of Liver Diseases (AASLD),134, 2020.

B120. Turan I, Aladag M, Harputluoglu M, Yilmaz S, Gencdal G, Polat Y, Özçay F, Akarsu M, Unek T, Karasu Z, Zeytunlu M, Sumer HG, Bostanci EB, Kartal AC, Balci D, Dayangac M, Dincer D, Adanir H, Dursun H, Gulsen MT, Gunduz F,Balaban HY, Kabacam G, Akyildiz M, Günsar F, Akarca U, Gurakar A, Idilman R, Acute Liver Failure and Liver Transplantation Special Interest Group Tasl. Outcomes following deceased and live donor liver transplantation for the indication of acute liver failure: a multicenter experience. The Digital International Liver Congress, European Association fort he Study of the Liver (EASL), THU174, 2020.

B121. Ellik ZM, Caliskan A, Duman S, Gümüşsoy M, Özercan AM, Er RE, Elhan AH, Idilman R. Diagnostic accuracy of liver stiffness measurement by fibroscan in liver transplant recipients. The Digital International Liver Congress, European Association fort he Study of the Liver (EASL), FRI263, 2020.

B122. Papatheodoridis G, Dalekos G, Idilman R, Sypsa V, Bömmel FV, Buti M, Panero JLC, Goulis I, Manolakopoulos I, Loglio A, Papatheodoridi M, Gatselis N, Veelken R, López-Gómez M, Hansen B, Savvidou S, Kourikou A, Vlachogiannakos I, Galanis K, Yurdaydin C, Esteban R, Janssen H, Berg T, Lampertico P. PAGE-B score is simpler and has similar predictive performancewith the new Asian hepatocellular carcinoma risk scores in Caucasian chronic hepatitis B patients treated with long-term entecavir or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy. The Digital International Liver Congress, European Association fort he Study of the Liver (EASL), FRI 383, 2020.

B123. Bremer B, Anastasiou O, Hardtke S, Caruntu FA, Curescu MG, Yalcin K, Akarca US, Gurel S, Idilman R, Zeuzem S, Erhardt A, Lüth S, Papatheodoridis G, Radu M, Manns MP, Cornberg M, Yurdaydin C, Wedemeyer H. Residual low HDV viremia is associated with HDV RNA relapse after PEG-IFNa-based antiviral treatment of hepatitis D (delta): results from the HIDIT-II study. The Digital International Liver Congress, European Association fort he Study of the Liver (EASL), SAT430, 2020.

C. Yazılan uluslararası kitaplar veya kitaplarda bölümler :

C1. De Maria N, Idilman R, Van Thiel DH. “Medical follow-up of liver transplant recipients.” MJC, Japan, 1997.

C2. Yurdaydin C, Bozdayi AM, Idilman R, Bozkaya H. “New drugs for hepatitis B: what is in the pipeline.” Clinical Dilemmas in Viral Liver Disease. Wiley-Blackwell 2010, 226-29.

C3. Yurdaydin C, Idilman R. Therapy of delta hepatitis. The hepatitis B and Delta viruses. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine 2015, 339-355.

D. Ulusal hakemli dergilerde yayımlanan makaleler :

D1. Soykan İ, Dökmeci A, Çetinkaya H, Beyler AR, Örmeci N, Baştemir M, Idilman R, Bahar K, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Akut pankreatit: Etiyopatogenetik ve klinik araştırma.” Turk J Gastroenterol, 6, 231-233, (1995).

D2. Idilman R, Güleç S, Törüner M. “Hipertansif aciller.” Cardiology, 2, 19-23, (1995).

D3. Idilman R, Üstün C, Arslan Ö, Özcan M, Arat M, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Şengezer T, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, İlhan O, Koç H, Akan H. “The incidence of hepatitis G virus in patients with hematological malignancies: The relationship with transfusion number of blood and blood products transfusions.” Turk J Haematol, 17, 67-71, (2000).

D4. Dilek İ, Idilman R, Fenkçi S, Üstün C, Koç H, İlhan O, Akan H. “Immunosuppressive therapy-induced hepatotoxicity in patients with aplastic anemia.” Turk J Hematol, 17, 111-117, (2000).

D5. Arbak P, Karacan Ö, Idilman R, Kaya A, Savaş İ, Numanoğlu N. “İdiopatik pulmoner fibrozis.” Tüberküloz ve Toraks Dergisi 48, 57-62, (2000).

D6. Idilman R. “Kronik hepatit C enfeksiyonu.” T Klin Gastroenterohepatol, 12, 134-136, (2001).

D7. Idilman R, Özden A. “Helicobacter pylori ve hepatik ensefalopati.” Güncel Gastroenteroloji 7/2, 120-126, (2003).

D8. Idilman R. “Alkole bağlı karaciğer hastalığında tedavi yaklaşımları.” T Klin Mikrobiyoloji Enfeksiyon, 2, 220-222, (2003).

D9. Idilman R. “İntrahepatik kolestaz nedenleri ve tanı yöntemleri.” Türkiye Klinikleri J Int Med Sci, 2, 22-27, (2006).

D10. Bektaş M, Tüzün A, Idilman R, Çınar K, Çoban Ş, Korkut E, Altan M, Üstün Y, Özden A, Karayalçın S. “Gastrointestinal sistemde argon plazma koagulasyon uygulaması: Klinik deneyimlerimiz.” Akademik gastroenteroloji Dergisi, 6, 127-131, (2007).

D11. Mizrak D, Idilman R. “Peptik ülser kanaması.” Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Gastroenterohepatology, 1, 10-13, (2008).

D12. Idilman R, Arat M. “Hepatic complications of allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation.” Turk J Hematol, 25, 111-123 (2008).

D13. Mizrak D, Idilman R. “Karaciğer nakli: Hasta seçimi, gelişen endikasyonlar.” Türkiye Klinikleri J Gen Surg, 2, 10-13, (2009).

E. Ulusal bilimsel toplantılarda sunulan ve bildiri kitaplarında basılan bildiriler:

E1. Soykan İ, Dökmeci A, Beyler AR, Örmeci N, Baştemir M, Idilman R, Bahar K, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Akut pankreatit.” 11. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 100, 1994.

E2. Idilman R, Dökmeci A, Beyler AR, Baştemir M, Örmeci N, Aras N, Ekinci C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Karaciğer Hemangioendotelyosarkoması.” 11. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 176, 1994.

E3. Idilman R, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Çetinkaya H, Dökmeci A. “Kronik hepatit C virüs infeksiyonu ve cryoglobulinemi.” 12. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İzmir, 136, 1995.

E4. Idilman R, Şentürk T, Duman M, Kınıklı G, Turgay M, Bahar K, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Karaciğer veno-okluzif hastalığı.” 12. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İzmir, 141, 1995.

E5. Üstün C, Idilman R, Dilek İ, Arslan Ö, Gürman G, Özcan M, Koç H, İlhan O, Akan H, Konuk N, Uysal A, Beksaç M. “Kemik iliği transplantasyonu olan hastalarda hepatit B virüs seroprevelansı.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 20, 1997.

E6. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Kugelmas M, Van Thiel DH. “Cirrhosis in Turner Syndrome.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 23, 1997.

E7. Fenkçi S, Idilman R, Akan H, Konuk N, Dilek İ, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Hepatit G virüs indüklediği akut fulminan karaciğer yetmezliği.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 32, 1997.

E8. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Zhu Q, Wu Q, Van Thiel DH. “Sodium salicylate reduces reperfusion injury after cold ischemia in rat liver.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 34, 1997.

E9. Idilman R, De Maria N, Colantoni A, Zhu Q, Wu Q, Van Thiel DH. “Improvement of intrahepatic flow after cold ischemia using sodium salicylate.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 44, 1997.

E10. Üstün C, Idilman R, Dilek İ, Arslan Ö, Gürman G, Özcan M, Koç H, İlhan O, Akan H, Konuk N, Uysal A, Beksaç M. “Kemik iliği transplantasyonu hazırlama rejiminin karaciğer toksisitesi.” 2. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 45, 1997.

E11. Idilman R, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Bozdayı M, Çetinkaya H, Bozkaya H. “İki toplum arasında hepatit C virüs pozitif hastalarda kriyoglobulin sıklığının karşılaştırılması.” 14. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Mersin, 85, 1997.

E12. Idilman R, Karacan Ö, Savaş İ, Arbak P, Numanoğlu N, Bahar K, Bozdayı M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “İntertisyel ve non-intertisyel akciğer hastalıklarında hepatit C virüs sero-prevelansı: Erken sonuçlar.” 14. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Mersin, 85, 1997.

E13. Beksaç M, İlhan O, Uysal A, Koç H, Idilman R, Arat M, Üstün C, Özcan M. Kronik lenfoproliferatif hastalıklarda 2-klorodeoksiadenosin tedavisi: İbn’i Sina Hastanesi deneyimi.” 25. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 1997.

E14. Özden A, Soykan İ, Çetinkaya H, Idilman R, Türkay C. “Kısa süreli üçlü tedavi kombinasyonlarının Helicobacter pylori eradikasyonundaki etkisi.” 15. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 161, 1998.

E15. Yalçın S, Kınıklı G, Turgay M, Idilman R, Tokgöz G. Sjögren Sendromu olanlarda hepatit C virüs sıklığı.” 15. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 301, 1998.

E16. Idilman R, Baştemir M, Özer İ, Soykan İ, Bozdayı M, Dökmeci A. “Hepatit B ve C virüsün seksüel yolla bulaşma sıklığı.” 15. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 321, 1998.

E17. Idilman R, Akan H, Üstün C, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Dökmeci A, Koç H. “Hematolojik malignitesi olan hastalarda kan ve kan ürünleri transfüzyon sıklığı ile hepatit B, C, G virüslerin bulaşımı arasındaki oran.” 15. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 322, 1998.

E18. Idilman R, Üstün C, Gürman G, Özcan M, Karayalçın S, Akan H, Bozdayı M, Akyol G, İlhan O, Beksaç M, Uysal A, Konuk N, Koç H. “Hepatit B virüs taşıyıcılarında hematopoetik kök hücre transplantasyonu: Adoptif immunite transferi.” 3. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 12, 1999.

E19. Öztürk H, Soykan İ, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R, Çetinkaya H, Özden A. “Non-ülser dispepsili hastalarda helicobacter pylori eradikasyonunun semptomplara, açlık gastrin ve pepsinojen I düzeylerine etkisi.” 16. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 31, 1999.

E20. Idilman R, Colantoni A, De Maria N, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Dökmeci A, Özden A, Van Thiel DH. “Kronik hepatit C virüs enfeksiyonu: Monoklonal gammapati ve malign lenfoproliferatif hastalıklar.” 4. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi ve Uluslar arası Falk-Workshop, İstanbul, 27, 2001.

E21. Törüner M, Idilman R, Soykan İ, Özden A. “Kolon kanserlerinde sağa doğru bir yer değiştirme mevcut: Acaba kolon poliplerinde de durum aynı mı?” 18. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 120, 2001.

E22. Idilman R, Arat M, Soydan E, Törüner M, Beksaç M, Özcan M, Akbulut H, Soykan İ, Arslan Ö, Topcuoğlu P, Karayalçın S, Özden A, İlhan O, Akan H. “Hematolojik malignitesi olan hepatiti B virüs taşıyıcılarında kemoterapi sırasında lamivudine proflaksisinin etkinliği.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 66, 2002.

E23. Soydan E, Akan H, Arat M, Idilman R, üstün C, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, Topcuoğlu P, Karayalçın S, Beksaç M, İlhan O. “Hematopoeitik kök hücre vericisinin hepatit B virüs statusunun transplantasyon sonrası alıcıda hepatit B virüs seyrine etkisi.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 66, 2002.

E24. Idilman R, Arat M, Tükün A, Erden E, Soydan E, Topcuoğlu P, Kuzu I, Soykan İ, Törüner M, Karayalçın S, Özden A, Akan H. “Hematopoetik kök hücre nakli sonrası donör kaynaklı hücrelerin alıcı karaciğerinde endotelyal repopulasyonu.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 70, 2002.

E25. Soydan E, Arat M, Topcuoğlu P, Özcan M, Arslan Ö, Idilman R, Gürman G, Beksaç M, Akan H, İlhan O. “Allogeneik hematopoetik kök hücre transplantasyonu sonrası görülen steroide refrakter veya bağımlı kronik graft-versus-host hastalığının tedavisinde mikofelonat mofetilin etkinliği.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 70, 2002.

E26. Kuzu I, Idilman R, Arat M, Dalva K, Soykan İ, Akan H, Beksaç M. “Erişkin allogeneik hematopoetik hücre nakli sonrası gastrointestinal dokuda verici kökenli epitel hücresi repopulasyonu: In vivo kök hücre platisitesini destekleyen bir bulgu.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 115, 2002.

E27. Arat M, Idilman R, Soydan E, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Topcuoğlu P, Özcan M, Erden E, Arslan Ö, Tek İ, Karayalçın S, Özden A, Akan H. “Karaciğer sınırlı kronik graft-versus-host hastalığı tedavisinde uzun süreli ursodeoksikolik asit tedavisinin etkinliği.” 29. Ulusal Hematoloji Kongresi, Antalya, 147, 2002.

E28. Koytak ES, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Koç Ö, Soykan İ, Çınar K, Çetinkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Özden A. “Sirotik hastalarda serum hyaluronik asit düzeyi ile prognostik faktörler arasındaki ilişki.” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 62, 2002.

E29. Idilman R, Boztaş H, Bozkaya H, Özel ET, Özkan M, Çetinkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Kumbasar H, Özden A. “Naive kronik C hepatitli hastalarda psikiyatrik bulguların tanımlanması.” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 123, 2002.

E30. Idilman R, Özel ET, Bozkaya H, Boztaş H, Sarıoğlu M, Bahar K, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Kumbasar H, Özden A. “Naive kronik hepatit B virüs enfeksiyonu olan hastalarda psikiyatrik semptom dağılımı” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 123, 2002.

E31. Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Soykan İ, Ortabozkoyun L, Arıkan C, Çınar K, Köse K, Nazlıgül Y, Idilman R, Törüner M, Özden A. “Toplumumuzda özefajit görülme sıklığı.” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 141, 2002.

E32. Koytak ES, Bektaş M, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R, Törüner M, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Özden A. “Hipergastrinemi ile birlikte olan gastrik ve duedonal karsinoid olgusu” 19. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 154, 2002.

E33. Koytak ES, Verdi H, Akbıyık F, Arslan A, Idilman R, Çınar K, Bozdayı AM, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Bozkaya H. “Hepatosellüler kanserde PPAR-Alfa L162V polimorfizmi.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 24, 2003.

E34. Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Çoban Ş, Soykan İ, İyidir ÖT, Gören D, Kunt S, Çetin E, Çimen H, Arığ O, Akay E, İşler Y, Çınar K, Nazlıgül Y, Idilman R, Törüner M, Tüzün A, Bozkaya H, Kesim E, Özden A. “Toplumumuzda kolon kanseri sıklığı ve lokalizasyonu.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 24, 2003.

E35. Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Idilman R, Bozdayı AM, Erkan Ö, Tüzün A, Çınar K, Erden E, Çetinkaya H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Konsensus eşik HBV DNA düzeyinin (105 kopya/ml) aktif hastalığı ve lamivudin yanıtı belirlemedeki rolü.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 29, 2003.

E36. Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Çetinkaya H, Idilman R, Sarıoğlu M, Bozdayı AM, Erkan Ö, Bektaş M, Verdi H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “HBeAg pozitif hepatit B hastalarında süregiden lamivudine tedavisine faklı zamanlarda eklenen interferonun etkisi: Randomize kontrollü çalışmanın 3 yıllık sonuçları.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 30, 2003.

E37. Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Soykan İ, İyidir ÖT, Gören D, Kunt S, Çetin E, Çimen H, Arığ O, Akay E, İşler Y, Çoban Ş, Çınar K, Nazlıgül Y, Idilman R, Törüner M, Tüzün A, Bozkaya H, Kesim E, Özden A. “Toplumumuzda özefajit görülme sıklığı artıyor mu?” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 61, 2003.

E38. Çam A, Karayalçın S, Idilman R, Çınar K, Özden A. “Koledok tümörlü bir Down sendromu vakası” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 94, 2003.

E39. Bektaş M, Idilman R, Sarıoğlu M, Çınar K, Törüner M, Tüzün A, Çetinkaya H, Özden A. “Viral hepatitlerde bulaş yolları değişiyor mu?” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 112, 2003.

E40. Nazlıgül Y, Idilman R, Tüzün A, Bektaş M, Uzunkol D, Mantar S, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Özden A. “Kronik viral hepatitli hastalarda alternatif ve tamamlayıcı tedavi kullanımı.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 115, 2003.

E41. Çetinkaya H, Törüner M, Sarıoğlu M, Çınar K, Idilman R, Bektaş M, Soykan İ, Bozkaya H, Bahar K, Özden A. “Özefagus ve fundus varis kanamalı olgularımızın değerlendirilmesi.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 122, 2003.

E42. Koytak ES, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Özden A. “Serum hyaluronik asit düzeyi: Kronik karaciğer parankim hastalığı evresi ve ilişkisi.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 137, 2003.

E43. Çoban Ş, Bektaş M, Idilman R, Sarıoğlu M, Çınar K, Törüner M, Nazlıgül Y, Soykan İ, Çetinkaya H, Dökmeci A. “Özefagus varis tedavisinde band ligasyonu ve skleroterapinin karşılastırılması.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 138, 2003.

E44. Törüner M, Soykan İ, Çetinkaya H, Idilman R, Çoban Ş, Bektaş M, Özden A. “Kolon poliplerini saptamada hangi işlemi tercih edelim.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 175, 2003.

E45. Bektaş M, Sarıoğlu M, Idilman R, Altun R, Soykan İ, Özden A. “Urticaria Diocia (Isırgan Otu) kullanımıyla aktifleşen iki ülseratif kolit olgusu.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 181, 2003.

E46. Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Çoban Ş, Soykan İ, İyidir ÖT, Gören D, Kunt S, Çetin E, Çimen H, Arığ O, Akay E, İşler Y, Çınar K, Nazlıgül Y, Idilman R, Törüner M, Tüzün A, Bozkaya H, Kesim E, Özden A. “Toplumumuzda kolon divertükülü sıklığı ve lokalizasyonu.” 20. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Kuşadası, 183, 2003.

E47. Bektaş M, Önder O, Sarıoğlu M, Tüzün A, Törüner M, Çoban Ş, Idilman R, Soykan İ, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Çetinkaya H, Beyler AR, Örmeci N, Bahar K, Dökmeci A, Özden A. “Mide kanserlerinin yıllara göre dağılımı.” 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 136, 2004.

E48. Bektaş M, Tüzün A, Idilman R, Nazlıgül Y, Çınar K, Koytak ES, Çetinkaya H, Özden A, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yurdaydın C, Bozkaya H. “HBsAg negatif kronik hepatit B’de uzun dönemde anti-viral tedaviye yanıtı belirleyen faktörlerin araştırılması.” 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 190, 2004.

E49. Idilman R, Çoban Ş, Tüzün A, Sarıoğlu M, Çınar K, Bektaş M, Nazlıgül Y, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Çetinkaya H, Özden A. “Kronik C Hepatiti tedavisinde kiloya göre Peg-interferon ribavirin kombinasyonu ile standart interferon ribavirin kombinasyonunun karşılaştırılması: erken sonuçları.” 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 193, 2004.

E50. Çınar K, Koytak ES, Bektaş M, Idilman R, Nazlıgül Y, Tüzün A, Çoban Ş, Çetinkaya H, Özden A, Yurdaydın C, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Bozkaya H. “İnaktif HBsAg taşıyıcılarının uzun süreli izlemi.” 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 195, 2004.

E51. Mızrak D, Idilman R, Tüzün A, Çoban Ş, Nazlıgül Y, Bektaş M, Koç Ö, Bozkaya H, Çetinkaya H, Özden A. “Alkole bağlı olmayan yağlı karaciğer hastalığında anti-transglutaminaz antikorları.” 21. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Antalya, 199, 2004.

E52. Çoban Ş, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Tüzün A, Oğuz D, Bektaş M, Çınar K, Erden E, Çiçek B, Bozdayı M, Özden A. “Kronik hepatit C tedavisinde ikili ve üçlü kombinasyon tedavisinin etkinliğ.” V. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 71, 2005.

E53. Bektaş M, Bozkaya H, Idilman R, Çetinkaya H, Çoban Ş, Tüzün A, Çınar K, Erden E, Bozdayı AM, Yurdaydın C, Özden A. “HBeAg pozitif hepatit B hastalarında lamivudin monoterapi ile IFN+lamivudin kombinasyonunun HBeAg serokonversiyonuna etkisi.” V. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 73, 2005.

E54. Çoban Ş, Çınar K, Idilman R, Tüzün A, Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Erden E, Özden A. “Nonalkolik yağlı karaciğer hastalığının uzun dönem prognozu: farmakolojik tedavi gereçekten gerekli mi? V. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İstanbul, 73, 2005.

E55. Çoban Ş, Idilman R, Erden E, Tüzün A, Bektaş M, Korkut E, Özden A. “Kronik hepatit C’li hastalarda karaciğer yağlanmasının pegile-interferon ile kombine antiviral tedavi yanıtına etkinliği.” 3. Hepato Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 114, 2006.

E56. Cengiz G, Idilman R, Çınar K, Keven K, Çoban Ş, Bektaş M, Özcan H, Ergün İ, Bahar K, Karayalçın S. “Transjuguler intrahepatik portosistemik şantın renal resistivite indeksi üzerine etkileri: erken sonuçları.” 23. Ulusal Gastronetroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 37, 2006.

E57. Korkut E, Bektaş M, Memmedzade F, Idilman R, Çınar K, Özden A. “Üst GİS endoskopi sırasında inlet patch tanısını atlıyormuyuz?” 23. Ulusal Gastronetroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 81, 2006.

E58. Bektaş M, Çoban Ş, Tüzün A, Korkut E, Idilman R, Çınar K, Özden A, Karayalçın S. “Gastrointestinal sistemde argon plazma koagülasyonunun uygulanması.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 165, 2006.

E59. Bektaş M, Yeşil H, Korkut E, Özer S, Idilman R, Özden A. “Mallory-Weis sendromu olgusu: argon plazma koagülasyon kullanımı.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 170, 2006.

E60. Eren E, Çoban Ş, Bektaş M, Özkan M, Idilman R, Nazlıgül Y, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Özden A, Bozdayı AM. “Hepatosellüler karsinomlu türk hastalarda MDM2 geninde MboII ve NIaIV gen polimorfizmleri.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 185, 2006.

E61. Esin Korkut, Idilman R, Bektaş M, Tüzün A, Çoban Ş, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C, Özden A. “Kronik C hepatitli hastalarda anti-viral tedavi: Tedaviye başlamada serum ALT düzeyi önemli mi?” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 204, 2006.

E62. Kesen E, Bektaş M, Oğuz D, Idilman R, Bozkaya H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Yurdaydın C, Bozdayı AM. “Hepatit B virüs enfeksiyonlu hastalarda ACE, TNF a-238, TGF b+25, VDR8 gen polimorfizimleri. 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 204, 2006.

E63. Cerit T, Bektaş M, Idilman R, Beyler AR, Dökmeci A. “Primer biliyer siroz ile Sjögren sendromu birlikteliği.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 206, 2006.

E64. Idilman R, Çoban Ş, Bektaş M, Tüzün A, Korkut E, Önder O, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı AM, Erden E, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Özden A. “Lamivudin dirençli kronik B hepatitli hastalarda 48 haftalık adefovir tedavisinin etkinliği: Tek merkezli çalışma.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 208, 2006.

E65. Demirtaş S, Bektaş M, Tüzün A, Çınar K, Idilman R, Korkut E, Bozkaya H. “Non-sirotik ılımlı portal hipertansiyon, karaciğer ve kemik iliği tutulumu ile giden indolent sistemik mastositoz olgusu.” 23. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, İstanbul, 272, 2006.

E66. Mizrak D, Engin B, Önder O, Yener B, Bektaş M, Idilman R, Çınar K, Karayalçın K, Ersöz S, Karayalçın S, Özden A, Yurdaydın C, Yazıhan N, Ataoğlu H, Bozkaya H, Uzunalimoğlu Ö. “Türkiye’de kronik viral hepatit hastalarında serumda aflatoksin pozitifliği endişe verici boyutlardadır.” 24. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Nevşehir, 16, 2007.

E67. Bektaş M, Halıcı İ, Öztaş E, Sarıoğlu M, Çınar K, Idilman R, Özkan H, Örmeci N, Bozkaya H, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Dökmeci A. “Endoskopik retrograd kolanjiopankreatografi sırasında görülen biliyer parazitozlar.” 4. Hepato-Gastroenteroloji Kongresi, Antalya, 238, 2007.

E68. Kabaçam G, Bektaş M, Sarıoğlu M, Üstün Y, Seven G, Yakut M, Çınar K, Idilman R, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Bozkaya H, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Çetinkaya H, Özkan H, Beyler AR, Bahar K, Yurdaydın C, Karayalçın S, Örmeci N, Dökmeci A, Özden A. “Son iki dekatta endoskopi merkezinde kolorektal kanser görülme sıklığı.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 15, 2008.

E69. Üstün Y, Yakut M, Bektaş M, Yusufiva A, Çınar K, Idilman R, Karayalçın S, Özden A. “Üst gastrointestinal sistem kanaması olan hastalarda argon plazma koagülasyonun etkinliği.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 32, 2008.

E70. Mizrak D, Idilman R, Doganay B, Savaş B, Üstün Y, Sayki M, Bozkuş Y, Seval G, Bektaş M, Özden A. “Kronik hepatit C’li hastalarda karaciğer fibrozisini göstermede kullanılan biyokimyasal belirteçler ile karaciğer biyopsisinin tanısal değerliklerinin karşılaştırılması.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 35, 2008.

E71. Bektaş M, Idilman R, Esin Ö, Karataylı E, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı M, Yurdaydın C. “İnaktif HBsAg tayıcısı olarak tanı konan olgularda HBV DNA seviyelerinin sık ölçümü: HBV DNA düzeyinin 2000 ve 20.000 IU/ml arasında yer alması bir gri zon ifadesi olabilir.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 38, 2008.

E72. Yurdaydın C, Idilman R, Bektaş M, Wedemayer H, Çakaloğlu Y, Akarca U, Uzunalimoğlu Ö, Bozdayı AM, Bozkaya H. “HBeAg pozitif kronik delta hepatitinde nükleozid(t) analogları ile tedavi.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 48, 2008.

E73. Üstün Y, Sarıoğlu M, Bektaş M, Kabaçam G, Seven G, Yakut M, Karataş F, Yurduseven E, Eğilmez M, Kızılırmak D, Aydoğan U, Çınar K, Idilman R, Törüner M, Tüzün A, Soykan İ, Bozkaya H, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Özkan H, Çetinkaya H, Beyler AR, Bahar K, Karayalçın S, Yurdaydın C, Örmeci N, Dökmeci A, Özden A. “Son iki dekatta endoskopi merkezinde özefajit görülme sıklığında saptanan değişiklikler.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 60, 2008.

E74. Seven G, Bektaş M, Sarıoğlu M, Kabaçam G, Üstün Y, Yakut M, Yeşil H, Yerlikaya H, Eraslan E, Şeker Z, Çınar K, Idilman R, Törüner M, Soykan İ, Bozkaya H, Palabıyıkoğlu M, Çetinkaya H, Özkan H, Beyler AR, Bahar K, Yurdaydın C, Karayalçın S, Örmeci N, Dökmeci A, Özden A. “Son iki dekatta endoskopi merkezinde kolonik polip görülme sıklığı.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 106, 2008.

E75. Yakut M, Bektaş M, Çınar K, Seven G, Yusifova A, Idilman R, Karayalçın S. “Üst gastrointestinal kanamalı hastalarda nadir bir kanama nedeni Dieulafoy lezyonu.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 127, 2008.

E76. Bektaş M, Yakut M, Seven G, Çınar K, Idilman R, Karayalçın S, Bahar K, Özden A. “Radyasyon rektiti olan hastalarda argon plazma koagülasyonunun etkinliği.” 25. Ulusal Gastroenteroloji Haftası, Adana, 128, 2008.

E77. Toy M, Önder O, Wormann T, Richardus JH, Schalm S, Idilman R, Değertekin H, Yurdaydın C. “Türkiye’de hepatit B prevalansı: Kümelenmiş analiz.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 28, 2009.

E78. Toy M, Önder O, Idilman R, Richardus JH, Schalm S, Kabaçam G, Bozdayı M, Bozkaya H, Oğuz D, Akdoğan M, Kuloğlu Z, Kansu A, Yurdaydın C. “Orta endemil bir ülke olan Türkiye’de B hepatit hastalığının yükü: Matematiksel bir değerlendirme” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 44, 2009.

E79. Arslan M, Idilman R, Tulunay C, Üstün Y, Seven G, Turhan S, Bıyıklı Z, Seval G, Bozkuş Y, Dinçer İ, Kutlay S, Çorapcıoğlu D, Özden A. “Asimetrik dimetilarjinin: Non-alkolik yağlı karaciğerde endotelyal disfonksiyon, kardiovasküler risk ve metabolik sendrom arasındaki ilişki.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 56, 2009.

E80. Karataylı S, Mızrak D, Sayki M, Ozkan M, Erden E, Yurdaydın C, Idilman R, Bozdayı AM. “Karaciğer fibrozis evrelendirilmesinde SELDI-TOF kütle spektrometrisi ile yeni biolojik belirteçlerin araştırılması.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 58, 2009.

E81. Seval G, Idilman R, Karasu Z, Keven K, Ersöz S, Şengül Ş, Haznedaroğlu S, Tüzüner A, Aydın Ü, Olut S, Özden A. “Karaciğer transplantasyon alıcılarında renal tübüler asidoz.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 98, 2009.

E82. Önder O, Toy M, Kabaçam G, Öztaş E, Yakut M, Idilman R, Oğuz D, Akdoğan M, Şaşmaz N, Bozkaya H, Yurdaydın C. “Ellibeş yaş üstü bireyler HBV bulaşı açısından artmış risk altındadırlar”. 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 252, 2009.

E83. Yakut M, Idilman R, Bektaş M, Önder O, Esin Ö, Karataylı E, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı AM, Yurdaydın C. “İnaktif HBsAg taşıyıcıların tanımlanması.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 254, 2009.

E84. Önder O, Toy M, Kabaçam G, Öztaş E, Idilman R, Etik D, Ödemiş B, Kaçar S, Akdoğan M, Oğuz D, Şaşmaz N, Yurdaydın C. “Kronik B hepatitinde tedavi maliyetinin azaltılması.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 290, 2009.

E85. Önder O, Yakut M, Idilman R, Seven G, Karataylı E, Karataylı S, Çelik Y, Bozkaya H, Bozdayı AM, Yurdaydın C. “Kronik delta hepatitinde entecavir tedavisi.” 7. Ulusal Hepatoloji Kongresi, İzmir, 326, 2009.

F. Diğer yayınlar :

F1. Idilman R. “Hepatit B.” Hasta Bilgilendirme El Kitabı. 2002, 25-36.

F2. Idilman R. “Hepatit B.” Karaciğer Hastalıkları Bilgilendirme El Kitabı. 2006, 19-27.

F3. Mızrak D, Idilman R. “Karaciğer nakli.” Karaciğer Hastalıkları Bilgilendirme El Kitabı. 2006, 81-104.